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Community plans

Community plans (previously known as ward improvement plans) outline proposals for improvement projects across the 17 wards in Islington.

The council manages many projects every year to help improve Islington. These projects include works to parks and estates, new cycle storage and public sports pitches, and improvements to healthcare and education facilities.

How projects are funded

Many of these projects are funded by money developers must pay the council when they build in the borough known as ‘developer contributions’.

Funds must be spent on projects that address the needs and wants of the local community.

How councillors are involved

  1. Project ideas are suggested by residents, local businesses, and ward councillors.
  2. Councillors recommend how developer contribution money is spent within their ward, putting forward ideas that come from discussions with ward residents, community groups, and businesses.
  3. Projects are funded by the council.

You can find a list of these projects in each ward community plan. You can also see them on a map.

How to share your ideas

If you have an idea for a project that will improve your ward, contact your ward councillor to explain your idea. You can contact your councillors via email, telephone, or at their monthly surgery. 

View community plans