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Tollington community plan

The Tollington Community Plan details details schemes that your local councillors think will improve your area and the lives of everyone who lives there.

The Tollington Community Plan has a list of projects funded by developer contributions that your local councillors want to make happen. This is because they think the projects will improve your area and enhance the lives of everyone who lives and works here.

The list of projects is split into three sections.

  • Awaiting funding – projects that councillors are minded to support depending on availability of funds but have not yet made any allocations towards.
  • In progress – projects that have been funded and are ongoing.
  • Completed – projects that are now finished.

Awaiting funding

Estate improvements: New door entry system at St Paul’s Court

  • Expected cost: to be decided

This will pay for installing a gated door entry system at St Paul’s Court to help stop antisocial behaviour including drug use. St Paul’s Court does not have any door entry system or physical barriers to stop non-residents from accessing the block. The system will show that St Paul’s Court is a private block and safety is being improved.

Estate improvements: Shelley Court gardens

  • Expected cost: to be decided

This will improve the garden area of Shelly Court at the corner of Regina Road and Hanley Road. At the moment, the garden area is dull and unattractive with anti-climb installations, bins, and a concrete standing platform that acts as a lumber point. Improvements may include:

  • removal of the aggressive anti-climb spinners
  • overhaul and painting of the large ornate gates/panels
  • installing matching lower level screens to contain and screen the lumber area
  • de-cluttering the signage
  • installing new attractive planting in front of the lumber point.

Estate improvements: More cycle storage at Shelley Court

  • Expected cost: £14,000

This will upgrade the cycle shelter and add a new cycle hangar at Shelley Court. There is space to install three more stands in the shelter so room for storage would increase from 10 bikes to 16 bikes. The new hangars will help residents to store cycles safely, rather than taking up space inside properties or being left in communal areas of buildings which is against fire safety rules and tenancy agreements. It should also help encourage more cycle use, with personal, environmental, health and economic benefits.

Estate improvements: Blenheim Court playground and open space

  • Expected cost: £100,000

This will bring environmental improvements to Blenheim Court, with a focus on the playground and an area of green open space. The playground needs to be renewed. Improvements could include new:

  • play equipment
  • safety surfacing
  • benches and landscaping works.

The open space could also be improved to make the area somewhere residents want to spend more time. For example:

  • installing more benches and litter bins
  • planting
  • natural/informal play equipment
  • planting wild flowers
  • bird boxes and insect hotels (which would improve biodiversity - habitats for insects and other important creatures like pollinators - in the area).

In progress

Sports and recreation: Wray Crescent Community Building

  • Cost: £70,000 from local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and £50,000 from Planning (S106)
  • any remaining funding will come from our capital budget and from supporting bodies.

Replacing the brick pavilion at Wray Crescent open space with a new, multi-use building that will support and encourage cricket at the site, helping to make it a destination for the sport in inner London. As well as sporting infrastructure, the building will provide a community space for the public benefit and an office for Middlesex County Cricket Club who want to have a presence at the site

Open space: Wray Crescent Park improvements

  • Cost: £45,000 from local CIL

This project is looking at planting and other landscaping in the area next to the site of the new Wray Crescent Community Building. It will help make the space more user-friendly and attractive. More improvements may also include:

  • updating equipment
  • repairing the planter wall
  • joining up the waking route around the edge of the park.

Open space: Landseer Gardens improvements

  • Cost: £30,000 from local CIL (£30,000)

The aim is to make the park more attractive and user-friendly, improving facilities and reducing anti-social behaviour in the area. Options include:

  • upgrading the play equipment
  • adding benches and planters.

Open space: Everleigh Street open space improvements

  • Cost: £5,000 from local CIL

A redesign of the open space at Everleigh Street. Costs will fund an investigation into options for the space. There will be a public consultation with local residents, gathering your suggestions and listening to youropinions.

Community facilities: Tollington contribution to the restoration of the Islington war memorial arch

  • Cost: £5,000 from local CIL

The Islington War Memorial Arch is Grade II Listed and in very poor condition. It is the only listed war memorial on the National Heritage at Risk Register. Many of the names of the fallen are damaged, can't be read or are badly worn away by weather. If nothing is done, the memorial will continue to decay. This project will contribute to funding specialist heritage advice to get options for restoring the memorial.

Estate improvements: Simmons House play area

  • Cost: £25,000 from strategic local CIL

This project will replace and upgrade the existing playground equipment with a new, modern, fit-for-purpose playground. It will also resurface the existing ground and replace the gate.

Estate improvements: Sussex Close Community Garden

  • Cost: £10,000 from local CIL

This project helps fund a new community garden at Sussex Close Estate. Three workshops will take place with residents during the construction of the garden, in which they will have the opportunity to learn about gardening and plants, sustainability, and biodiversity.

Residents will help design the community garden and will include small native trees, wildflowers, planters for fruit and vegetables, as well as a dedicated accessible area for wheelchair users.

Estate improvements: Sussex Close playground

  • Cost: £30,000 from local CIL

Replacing and upgrading the ground at Sussex Close playground as it cannot be repaired. The project will also replace the play equipment with a new, modern, fit-for-purpose playground.

Estate improvements: Tackling Anti-social Behaviour at Blenheim Court

  • Cost: £40,000 from local CIL

The proposal is looking at what possibilities for tackling anti-social behaviour are. The purpose of this plan is to improve the security of the Blenheim Court's building, making residents feel safer and improving their surroundings.

Estate improvements: Secure estate cycle storage

  • £35,500 from local CIL

This is looking at secure cycle facilities on estates in Tollington that do not yet have any secure cycle storage for residents. Cycle hangars have been installed on on Saltdene, Sedgley House, Holly Park, Ilex House, Sussex Close, Cotman House, Reynolds House, and Blenheim Court estates.

More funding will go towards installing a hangar at Simmons House. The new hangars will help residents to store cycles safely, rather than taking up space inside properties or being left in communal areas of buildings breaking fire safety rules. The availability of secure cycle storage will encourage more cycle use, with personal, environmental, health and economic benefits.


Estate improvements Crouch Hall Court pram and cycle storage

  • Cost: £21,450 from local CIL

This secure cycle storage and pram storage at Crouch Hall Court helps meet the high demand for more cycle facilities. The installation of a larger cycle storage unit, which can store 10 bicycles and a cargo bike will help residents to store cycles safely rather than taking up space inside properties or being left in communal areas of buildings, breaking fire safety rules. It also includes four pram storage units, providing space for families with young children to store their buggies. Project was completed in July 2022.

Open space: Kingsdown Road and Sussex Way

  • Cost: £37,930 from local CIL and £4,785 from Planning (S106)

The space used to be a large open greenspace with no chosen use and one small contained playground which was limited. The playground area was removed, and the green space was fully redesigned and landscaped to provide an attractive enclosed park and garden for residents, offering everyone a place to play and rest.

Open space: Cornwallis Park

  • Cost: £13,171 from local CIL

This project brought in a range of soft landscape improvements at Cornwallis Park. It removed some old large shrubs which opened up the space, improving sight lines and removing potential spaces for anti-social behaviour. A range of new plants, bulbs and shrubs, including plants that grow in shady areas, were planted and new turf was laid. The project has creating a more welcoming and pleasant space for users.

Open space: Crouch Hall Court playground

  • Cost: £57,595 from Planning (S106)

This project upgraded and redesigned three small playgrounds on the Crouch Hall Court estate. Each area of play equipment now targets a different age group,  from toddlers through to older children.

Open space: Wray Crescent playground

This scheme provided refurbishments of existing park playground building containing public toilets and attendant’s hut. An accessible toilet was included in these improvement works.

Sports and recreation: Wray Crescent cricket pitch and park

  • Cost: £38,284 from Planning (S106)

This project improved the quality of the turf for cricket as well as putting in netting around the boundary to prevent damage to nearby property.

Transport and public realm: Improvements to parking on Hornsey Road

  • Cost: £25,000 from local CIL

This project created a new loading bay on Hornsey Road. The aim of the project was to address the issue of road blockages, often caused by delivery vans, on Hornsey Road. The loading bay has created more space for other vehicles when approaching the traffic lights and junction near Tesco to reduce blockages and a better flow of traffic.

Transport and public realm: Tollington Ward tree planting

  • Cost: £5,835 from Planning (S106) and £5,000 from local CIL

The project gave Tollington more street tree planting in line with the council tree strategy. During the 2021/22 planting season, trees were planted throughout the area including:

  • Grenville Road
  • Kingsdown Road
  • Hanley Road
  • Sussex Way
  • Landseer Road
  • Charteris Road
  • Alimgton Street.

School facilities: St Mark's Church of England Primary School

  • Cost: £79,800 from Planning (S106)

An AstroTurf pitch was added on the existing school playground for school and community use. The project formed part of a larger redevelopment of the school grounds.