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Junction community plan

Read about the latest proposals and funded projects that make up the Junction Community Plan.

The Junction Community Plan has a list of projects funded by developer contributions that your local councillors want to make happen. This is because they think the projects will improve your area and enhance the lives of everyone who lives and works here.

The list of projects is split into three sections.

  • Awaiting funding – projects that councillors are minded to support depending on availability of funds but have not yet made any allocations towards.
  • In progress – projects that have been funded and are ongoing.
  • Completed – projects that are now finished.

Awaiting funding

Pauntley Street greening project

  • Expected cost: £30,000 
The project will include redesigning the car parking and bin storage area on the A1 near Whitehall Park to discourage fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour. We will also try to improve the biodiversity (variety of plants and animals) of the site and provide workshops on ecology (how animals and insects work with their environment) to local residents.

Girdlestone Estate

  • Expected cost: £3 million to £5 million 

This project will include major public realm and landscape transformations at the Girdlestone Estate for the next few years with the goal of improving security, safety, and accessibility throughout the estate.

Archway Park pathway upgrades

  • Expected cost: £100,000

This project will provide much-needed upgrades to the existing pathway in Archway Park, which is currently uneven and inaccessible for some people. 

Archway Park horticultural improvements

  • Expected cost: £50,000

This project will provide horticultural improvements throughout Archway Park, aiming to increase the biodiversity (variety of plants and animals) in the park. 

Whittington Park walking and cycling route improvements 

  • Expected cost: £400,000

This project will resurface the exit paths in Whittington Park and create a new pedestrian and cycle path. This would improve the accessibility of the park and encourage active travel throughout the site.

Whittington Park playground refurbishments

  • Expected cost: £350,000 to £406,000

This project will refurbish the existing playground at Whittington Park, including new surfacing and equipment. It will also provide a new drinking fountain for all park visitors.

Whittington Park horticultural improvements 

  • Expected cost: £80,000

This project will provide horticultural improvements throughout Whittington Park, aiming to increase the biodiversity (variety of plants and animals) in the park. 

Girdlestone Park playground and multi-use games area refurbishment

  • Expected cost: £300,000

This project will refurbish the existing playground and multi-use games area at Girdlestone Park, providing new surfacing and equipment, and upgrading the games area so it is safe and suitable to use.

Girdlestone Park horticultural improvements 

  • Expected cost: £30,000

This project would provide horticultural improvements throughout Girdlestone Park, aiming to increase the biodiversity (variety of plants and animals) in the park.

Dartmouth Park Healthy Neighbourhoods

  • Expected cost: £1 million

This project will see Islington Council work in partnership with Camden Council to create a healthy neighbourhood for the Dartmouth Park area. The scheme would include:

  • traffic filters to reduce traffic in the area in an effort to make local streets quieter, less polluted and safer to walk and cycle around
  • new planting, trees and seating to make the area greener, healthier and more pleasant to spend time in
  • create safer, cleaner streets for children to travel to school and areas for play. 

Vorley Road public realm and junction improvements

  • Expected cost: £1 million

This scheme will provide public realm and junction improvements at Corley Road and McDonald Road to improve the area's safety and accessibility, and readability of signs in the area.

Navigator Square/Highgate Hill public realm improvements 

  • Expected cost: £1 million

This project will add more to the improved public realm at the Archway gyratory system with the resurfacing of the footways at Highgate Hill, Vorley Road, Junction Road and Madgala Avenue.

Archway Library relocation

  • Expected cost: £3.5 million to £4 million

This project will relocate Archway Library to Vorley Road as the current site is not fit for purpose. The proposed library on Vorley Road will have a prominent street presence with a 50m façade facing Girdlestone Park contributing to a civic hub and will include a community room, meeting rooms, IT suite, study zones and music practice room.

Archway local heat network

  • Expected cost: £30 million 

Funds would contribute towards the proposed local heat network around Archway at Whittington Hospital.

New River College modernisation

  • Expected cost: £400,000

This project aims to extend and refurbish the existing provision to provide upgraded facilities at New River College. It would add educational and training facilities, decarbonise the site and provide associated external landscaping improvements.

In progress

Community facilities: Whittington Park Community Centre - external fire escape

  • Funding: £32,656 from local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Ward councillors have agreed funding for the restoration of Whittington Park Community Centre, with most of it going towards the new fire escape. The wider scheme is for the restoration of two of the community centre spaces (Lower and Upper Hocking Hall). The transformation would create bright and comfortable spaces for various classes, events, parties and sports.

Community facilities: Islington Boxing Club Refurbishment

  • Funding: £,1000 from local CIL 

The project contributes to the redevelopment of the Islington Boxing Club. The funding will support the planning application process including all the necessary surveys, investigations and designs.

The boxing club is a nationally leading centre for women's boxing and acts as a successful youth centre for young people from across the borough. When a full planning permission is granted the club will begin fund-raising throughout 2022 and the first half of 2023, with building works to begin in the second half of 2023.

Estate improvements: Small-scale improvements

  • Funding: £65,000 from local CIL

This scheme will provide funds for small scale estate improvements. Following an estate audit, councillors funded a range of small landscaping improvements at:

  • Girdlestone Estate
  • Grovedale Estate
  • John King Court
  • Palmers Estate.

Councillors are now looking into restoring and activating an underused playground at Bovingdon Close, working closely with estate residents.

Estate improvements: Girdlestone Estate

  • Funding: £12,500 from local CIL 

This scheme will see improvements to safety and accessibility of the public realm around the estate. The first part of funding was made to gate access to the empty garage spaces and conduct a detailed study of the common areas around the estates while looking into the community safety breaches that the residents have raised. The survey concluded with a detailed report and a plan for installing improvements is currently being developed.

Estate improvements: Wedmore Community Garden

  • Funding: £24,560 from local CIL and £440 from Planning (S106)

This scheme will rebuild the community garden which was moved when a new part of the estate was built. The project covers soft landscaping and planting.

Estate improvements: Food waste facilities at estates

  • Funding: £5,000 from local CIL

This scheme will introduce food waste bins at:

  • Bowerman Court
  • Calvert Court
  • Greatfield Close
  • Tremlett Grove Estate
  • Pemberton Gardens.

Transport and public realm: Whittington Park and Holloway Road cycle path

This scheme will fund a research project and study around the suitability for separating the shared use cycle/pedestrian path from Whittington Park to Holloway Road. At the moment, the path is dangerous and leads to conflict between pedestrians and cyclists so this would go some way to solving this problem.


Community facilities: Whittington Park Community nursery - new doors

  • Cost: £3,000 from local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 

This scheme replaced the existing doors at Whittington Park Community Nursery which were not fit for purpose. The nursery used to have concertina doors which allowed free flow access to the outdoor area for the children. The doors were also one of the fire evacuation routes. But they were too heavy for the side frame fixings meaning that the frame and door had moved. To fix this, we replaced the doors more suitable, purpose-made doors.

Community facilities: Whittington Park Nursery garden

  • Cost: £19,643 from local CIL

The scheme installed:

  • French drains (which remove surface water and groundwater from an area)
  • a soakaway (which filters surface water into the ground)
  • good quality synthetic grass
  • an area for planting and mud play.

The scheme was needed because the garden area used to become unusable very quickly from autumn to spring weather and in wet summer weather. The project was completed in February 2019.

Estate improvements: Palmers Estate - bin/lumber screen

  • Cost: £10,000 from local CIL

This project created a new bulky items/lumber store outside Longley House to improve the appearance of the area for residents of Palmers Estate.

Estate improvements: Girdlestone Estate Community Centre

  • Cost: £19,894 from Planning (S106) 

This scheme fixed damp problems at the Gridlestone Estate Community Centre. The project also funded new flooring and new skirting boards.

Estate improvements: Girdlestone Estate - resurfacing Annesley Walk tree pits

  • Cost: £27,786 from Planning (S106)

This project improved the Annesley Walk tree pits. The damaged bricks that used to be part of the tree pits were removed and the tree pit area was 
resurfaced in a red tarmac to match existing estate roads. The surface is more pleasing to look at and safer to use by everyone. The widening of the pavement 
gives pedestrians more space, meaning they are able to get around more freely.

Estate improvements: Miranda Estate playground

  • Cost: £28,000 from CIL 

This project funded upgrades to the Miranda Estate’s Henfield Close play space for children. The scheme funded tarmac resurfacing across the play space as well as upgrades to the seating area and play equipment.

Estate improvements: Bovingdon Close Estate

  • Cost: £52,672 from Planning S106 

This project provided improvements to the outside space on the Bovingdon Close Estate. The estate’s playground is located on a highway access road at the rear of the estate and used to be surrounded by a high-walled structure. The playground’s location meant that it was not regarded as being a useful or safe facility for children on the estate.

The project redesigned the previous high-walled play area, provided new play equipment and safety surfacing, and upgraded the column lights. The project was completed in 2017. 

Estate improvements: Tremlett Grove Estate

  • Cost: £15,421 from Planning S106 

This scheme delivered improvements to the public realm of Tremlett Grove Estate. Works included:

  • extra equipment for the playground between Llewlyn House and Fell House
  • resurfacing and repaving of broken areas in various parts of the estate
  • improvements to the disused paved podium area with a soft and hard landscape design.

The project was completed in 2017.

Estate improvements: Tremlett Grove Community Garden seating

  • Cost: £1,000 from local CIL

This scheme provided a new bench for the community garden to complement the other improvement works made at the estate.

Estate improvements: Junction Ward tree planting

  • Cost: £10,000 from local CIL

This scheme added extra street tree planting in the ward in line with our tree strategy. New tree locations include:

  • Ashbrook Road
  • Bickerton Road 
  • Cathcart Hill
  • Despard Road
  • Francis Terrace
  • Lidyard Road
  • Macdonald Road
  • Monnery Road
  • Pemberton Gardens
  • Pemberton Terrace
  • Tytherton Road.

Open space: water fountain in Tufnell Park Playing Fields

Allocations made:

  • Cost: £10,000 from local CIL 

This project saw the installation of and funded the ongoing maintenance of a new drinking water fountain. Ongoing maintenance will include:

  • sanitation
  • cleansing
  • testing repairs and vandalism cover
  • water usage
  • inspection costs over the lifetime of the water fountain. 

Open space: Tufnell Park Playing Fields

  • Cost: £33,000 from Planning (S106)

This scheme provided improvements to the turf and drainage of the grass sports pitches at Tufnell Park Playing Fields. It included the complete refurbishment of changing rooms and public toilet facilities, with improvements to accessibility (new baby changing units) and energy efficiency (including a new boiler and double glazed windows).

Transport and public realm: Hargrave Road build-out

  • Cost: £40,000 from local CIL

This scheme involved the construction of a build-out on the southern side of the road next to the junction with Holloway Road. The build-out and the associated planting limited illegal parking and loading in the area. The project was revised and designs improved in stages to improve the effectiveness of the feature.

Whittington Park water play facility

This scheme completed repairs to a children’s water play facility in the park. Several parts of the feature were renewed and replaced so the facility can be used regularly.

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