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Bunhill community plan

Read about the latest proposals and funded projects that make up the Bunhill Community Plan.

The Bunhill Community Plan has a list of projects funded by developer contributions that your local councillors want to make happen. This is because they think the projects will improve your area and enhance the lives of everyone who lives and works here.

The list of projects is split into three sections.

  • Awaiting funding – projects that councillors are minded to support depending on availability of funds but have not yet made any allocations towards.
  • In progress – projects that have been funded and are ongoing.
  • Completed – projects that are now finished.

Awaiting funding

Gambier House Carbon Mitigation

Approximate Cost: TBC

The project seeks to improve energy efficiency at Gambier House by externally insulating the building. Increased energy efficiency will not only reduce carbon emissions from the building, but will reduce energy costs for residents, thus helping to tackle fuel poverty.

Lagonier House Landscaping and Resurfacing

Approximate Cost: £80,000

The scheme would deliver landscaping and planting to make the area more visually appealing. The car park would also benefit from resurfacing works as the existing surface is deteriorating.

Pleydell Estate Improvements

Approximate Cost: £80,000

The scheme would deliver upgrades and improvements to the lighting on the estate. In addition to the removal of rear paving to transform the area into a vegetable garden.

Whitecross Street Market

Approximate Cost: TBC

The scheme would propose the expansion of the market stalls. 


In progress

Vibast Community Centre 5-year Funding

  • Local CIL (£740,206)

The allocation will ensure five years of funding for the Vibast community centre, covering running costs, maintenance, and various project delivery.

Whitecross Street Party (20/21 to 22/23)

  • Local CIL (£187,892)
  • S106 (£72,108)

The Whitecross street Party is a major free annual event that has run since 2010. The recent event was organised by YMCA London City & North. Since its inception the event has significantly contributed to place making in the local area, community cohesion and support of local creative industries. The festival itself includes a street market, community stages and street performance amongst other things. The allocation supports upfront costs and the running of the festival.

Toffee Park Adventure Playground

  • S106 (£27,268)
  • CIL (£1,500,000)

The scheme will replace the existing, ageing building with a fit for purpose, wind and watertight building. The new building will have additional accommodation that would allow for rentals/hires and shared use of space to support sustainability of the core adventure playground offer. The works will involve the demolition and removal of the current log cabin in favour of an ecological and economical building. The improved facility would better support the current user group as well as the anticipated increases in population.

SoapBox Youth Centre

  • S106 (£50,000)
  • CIL (£40,000)

The funding allocation will allow SoapBox Youth Centre to provide a wide range of projects and programmes including audio-visual production, repair, recycle, reuse and dedicating all its work on Mondays to young women. Additionally, a portion of funding will go towards upgrading IT facilities, to support projects and offer young people the chance to engage with industry standard equipment. Finally, funding will support building upgrades to ensure it remains a fresh and inviting space.

Build a Bike Bunhill

  • CIL (£4,000.00)

The project will work with 50 young people on a 6-week bicycle maintenance courses. The course will enable disadvantaged young people from Islington to restore abandoned bicycles, one of which will become theirs to keep upon completion. The programme will also mentor 10 young people for nine months.  They will be at risk of committing theft and youth violence.  The young people will all be Islington residents.

OP ENGAGE Theft Snatch

  • CIL (£2,100.00)

The project involves the use of victim orientated crime prevention techniques to tackle pedal cycle/moped enabled theft snatches. OP ENGAGE aims to raise awareness of the already established street robbery campaign “look up, look out”, specifically focused in theft snatch hotspots. The scheme will use a variety of methods to improve awareness including social media campaigns, leaflet and poster deployment, chalk spray street robbery stencils and digital display adverts. If successful, the scheme could expand into other wards and boroughs.

Redbrick Estate CCTV Installation

  • S106 (£150,000)

Following on from consultation, the project will aim to install CCTV and infrastructure necessary for the residents of the Redbrick estate to monitor, report, gather evidence and deter Anti-Social Behaviour and crime. The CCTV would link to a local concierge office and the control room, which will enable effective monitoring.

St Luke's Estate Secure Cycle Parking

  • Local CIL (£18,000)

The project will provide secure, covered, cycle parking on the St Luke's Estate. The project will support existing cyclist and help to encourage cycling in the borough.

Wenlake Estate Improvements

  • S106 (£295,000)
  • CIL (£73,000) 

The project will improve the hard and soft landscaping improvements throughout estate with particular emphasis on renewal of the estate road and hard surfaces, which the Tenants Management Organisation have identified as a priority.

St Luke's Estate Playground 

  • S106 (£110,000)

The project will look to upgrade and replace the outdated playground equipment at St Luke's estate with a new modern, fit-for-purpose playground, including resurfacing and upgrading the embankment. Improving and re-designing the play area will also provide more inclusive play opportunities for children of all ages and abilities, as the new design will cater for a wider age range of users, including multi play sensory space.

Improvements to Recycling & Refuse Facilities

  • Local CIL (£29,200.00)

The project will improve waste storage and recycling facilities on Bunhill's estates including the Chadworth House, Shire House, Coltash Court, Crayle House, Grimthorpe House, and Tompion House.

Turnpike House Grounds Maintenance

  • Local CIL (TBC)

The scheme will ensure that the newly delivered public realm around Turnpike House is maintained to safegaurd the extensive redevelopment which has taken place.

Redbrick Estate Zen Garden

  • S106 (£16,000)

The scheme aims to make a more appealing and inviting space to encourage residents to relax in the communal garden space. Improvement may include landscaping works, cutting back shrubs around the edges of the space, adding planters, biodiverse planting, improved paved walkway, fencing panel, seating and/or picnic benches, tidying the area and installing a new keypad system.

Redbrick Estate Wildflower Meadow

  • S106 (£30,000)

The project aims to create a new Natural children's playground for toddlers and young children offering exciting and engaging play opportunities for the community. It will include natural sensory play equipment. Redbrick estate has no outdoor playground facilities on the estate. This will be a safe space for young children to play outside while using natural play equipment that blends into the environment.

Bunhill Fields Burial Ground

  • Local CIL (£35,600)
  • S106 (£214,400)

The project seeks to illuminate the rich heritage of Bunhill Fields burial ground and nearby sites, through community cohesion and integration, skills-based activities, classes, and workshops. The project will collaborate with community organisations that share a connected heritage, including the St. Luke’s Community Centre and the New Unity Church.

Quaker Gardens

  • Local CIL (£49,280)
  • S106 (£45,496)

The scheme will see a redesign of the garden layout, path surfaces, new planting and the provision of new compost bins. Improvements to the play area include the extension of the existing play tower and upgrades to the play surface. Additionally, the work will involve the installation of Heritage interpretation boards and improvements to railings. Finally, a tree survey will highlight any necessary tree works.

Triangle Estate Improvements

  • S106 (£100,000)

The scheme will deliver improvements to the public spaces on the estate through on street tree planting, new paving and low-level planting.

Fortune Street Park

  • CIL (£250,000)
  • S106 (£420,175)

The scheme will involve the development of a Fortune Street masterplan. The design will rationalise the existing layout of Park to make it more welcoming and accessible to a wide range of park users. Alongside, improving the existing playground and providing a more inclusive natural play facility. Finally, works will enhance the park’s ecology and biodiversity and implement a comprehensive planting strategy in line with the park’s Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) status. 

Bunhill Inclusive Economy Initiatives 

  • Local CIL (£104,000)

The Old Street tech cluster is one of the largest tech concentrations in the world; however, it provides very little opportunities for local people. The scheme would seek among other things to increase local employment outcomes in the tech and knowledge economy, support the delivery of local affordable workspaces and back young local entrepreneurship.

Prior Weston Primary School Playground Redevelopment

  • CIL (£400,000)

The funding will aid in the redevelopment of the schools play areas. The works will ensure that these spaces are accessible for all, including special educational needs or disability (SEND) pupils. There has been no upgrade to the schools play areas since the school opened. The proposed works will include a Forest School area, sensory garden, and outdoor classroom, all of which will be available for community use outside of school hours. Redevelopment of the Nursery and Reception play areas will include significant groundworks to ensure the playground surface is safe, as well as providing up to date accessible play equipment.

The Finsbury Centre

The Finsbury Leisure Centre is reaching the end of its life as a serviceable building. The Council proposes to redevelop the Finsbury Leisure Centre to meet the objectives of the St Luke's Planning Brief (adopted in 2014). The Council is working to develop designs for the Finsbury Centre: a new civic centre in the heart of St Luke's area. The project will provide much needed homes, including both council homes for social rent as well as private homes. The project will also see the existing leisure centre replaced by a state of the art leisure centre, which will cater for the demands of the 21st century. The civic centre will also comprise community facilities, including a GP Surgery, and accommodate the Bunhill Energy Centre.

 St. Johns Street Pedestrian and Public Improvements

  • CIL (£491,279)
  • S106 (£1,518,053)

The scheme involves public space improvements on St Johns Street (between Clerkenwell Road and Charterhouse Street). The works include the reallocation of road space to pedestrian space, improvements for cyclists and associated changes to traffic management in the area to reduce non-local traffic, which may include a road closure. 

Bath Street Traffic Reduction Scheme

  • Local CIL (£50,000)

The proposal will reverse Bath Street between Peerless Street and Old Street and will support the delivery of a School Street for St Luke’s Primary School.

City Fringe - Zero Emissions Network

  • S106 (£90,000)

The Zero Emissions Network (ZEN) is an air quality initiative supported by Islington, Hackney and Tower Hamlets councils. The scheme, funded by the Mayor's Air Quality Fund and Islington, is set up to help businesses save money, reduce emissions and improve air quality by making changes in transport and building use and adopting more sustainable business practices.

Old Street and Clerkenwell Road - Bunhill

  • CIL (£250,000)

The project will improve conditions for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users in line with the Mayor’s Healthy Streets agenda on the OSCR corridor. As well as the reallocation of road space to pedestrian space and associated permanent changes to traffic management in the area to reduce non-local traffic.

Bunhill Estates Residents Secure Cycle Parking

  • S106 (£44,000)

The scheme will provide secure, covered, cycle storage provision for residents at the following estates: Lagonier House, Pleydell Estate, Wenlake Estate, Whitbread Estate and Whitecross Estate.

Whitecross Street Christmas Event and Lights

  • Local CIL (£111,000)

The funding from this allocation will cover the cost of new fixtures, fittings and lights, including an arch signage at each end of Whitecross Street. In addition to this, the allocation will support the delivery of a Christmas event over a five-year period. The event will involve a turning on ceremony, performances, activities and a Santa's grotto, amongst other things. 

812 Bus Service

  • Local CIL (£54,000)

The 812-bus service is Islington's only council-run, weekday hail and ride service that operates a 30-minute timetable, 7-hours a day between 9.30AM and 4.30PM. The service operates on a fixed route across the central and southern parts of the borough. Wards served include Canonbury, St Peters, St Marys, Barnsbury, Clerkenwell and Bunhill. The predominant use of the 812 service are Freedom Pass passengers.

Clerkenwell Common - Bunhill Allocation

  • Strategic Local CIL (£100,000)

The project will include the provision of a community hub with a rich programme of engagement centres around Clerkenwell Green’s stories and heritage. Placed in an area with a long history of political resistance and protest, the community space will both honour such heritage but also act as a welcoming space for the local community. The hub is to serve as a place of both social encounter and economic opportunity, tying together community development and a programme for inclusive economy.

Tackling Bike Theft

  • S106 (£6,500)

The funds will contribute towards the ‘Tackling Bike Theft in Islington Action Plan’. The project will relocate bike racks to locations that are more visible. Furthermore, the funding will support the purchasing of ‘Bike Marking Kits’. The Council in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police will hold bike-marking events in theft hotspots to raise awareness and to apply marking kits to bikes.



St. Luke's Community Centre Community Gardening Project

  • S106 (£2,236)
  • Local CIL (£21,764)

Over the course of 2020, St Luke’s delivered 30 sessions of gardening, park outings and nature-based art activities at the Community Centre. These included summer visits to local parks for socially distanced meet ups to reduce isolation, gardening and caring for plant workshops. The Community Gardens project supported 20 older people whose ages ranged from 65 to 96 years old. Thirty percent of the beneficiaries were living with early dementia and the remainder had mobility and health problems.

Bunhill Estates Gardening and Food Growing Project

  • Local CIL (£36,000)

A St Luke's run project that engaged and encouraged residents of all ages to become involved in estate-based gardening and food growing activities. Working in collaboration with housing providers and in consultation with local residents, to take forward a range of community-led gardening projects developing local people's skills, confidence and wellbeing.

St Luke's Wellbeing Hub

  • S106 (£35,000)

The funding will support the reconfiguration of the current IT training centre on Central Street into a new neighbourhood wellbeing hub for food collection.

St Luke's Over 55s Gardening Project

  • S106 (£35,000)

The funding will allow St Luke’s to deliver an over 55’s Community Gardening Project. The scheme will offer 30 weekly health and well-being gardening and creative sessions. The scheme for older people living with limited mobility, disabilities and mental or physical health conditions in the EC1 area of the borough.

Central Foundation Boys School

  • CIL (£2,614,134)
  • S106 (£85,866)

The contribution has ensured the refurbishment and expansion of the Central Foundation Boys School.

Vibast Community Centre

  • S106 (£65,310)

The contribution funded the fixed fittings supplied in the construction of the New Build VIBAST Community centre on the Redbrick estate.

Epworth Street Community Garden

  • S106 (£5,821)

The scheme ensured the installation of a communal rooftop garden on the large open terrace area, which the Epworth Street Tenants and Residents Association requested. Furthermore, the scheme provided disability access, seating, garden furniture and a garden shed.

Barnabas House Walkway

  • S106 (£75,000)

The scheme delivered measures to reduce anti-social behaviour in the walkway beneath Barnabas House. Measures included CCTV installation, the re-design of glass walls and landscaping.

Golden Lane Children's Centre - Outdoor Ecology Area

  • S106 (£50,000)

The scheme created an outdoor ecology area for the Golden Lane Children's Centre. The works included the planting of more evergreen plants, the introduction of more planting areas and 'small growing spaces' for each year group. In addition to the installation of new flooring and play equipment.

City YMCA - Youth Intervention (NASCENT)

  • Local CIL (£10,000)

The City YMCA led on interventions to help young people into work including Interactive Workshops, Pathways to Employment Work Experience and Follow-on Training. The Pathways to Employment intervention mentored and coached young people, supporting them as they responded to real life work opportunities and apprenticeships, attended interviews and took up new roles. It has ensured attendees can confidently sustain employment, increasing their value to local businesses.

Food Waste Housing Units

  • Strategic Local CIL (£6,750)

The project saw the installation of new metal food waste bin housing units on estates in the Bunhill area. The metal housing units will cover the existing communal food waste bins. The units will help to improve the aesthetic feel of the waste and recycling units and prevent the moving of bins.

St Luke's Community Centre - Roof Terrace

  • Local CIL (£26,350)

The scheme delivered building works to enable St Luke's to convert its roof area into a terrace garden by strengthening the roof structure and tiling the floor.

Borough Wide Cultural and Community Event

  • Strategic Local CIL (£100,000)

A celebration of culture and heritage both past and present, including music, dance, history and the influence different cultures have had on Islington and the surrounding areas. The event will take place in a number of locations within the borough including the town hall. Additional celebrations will take place at the London Irish Centre on the border between Camden and Islington.

King Square Community Nursery at Rahere House

  • S106 (£76,000)

The project provided funding for an outdoor play area that featured an enclosed toddler play space, educational play zone, a bridge connecting the new play area with the path under the pergola and installation of a new security gate.

Kings Square Gardens/ Turnpike House

  • S106 (£559,000)

The scheme has restored the arch and surroundings at Turnpike House to its original 1960's form. Particular attention was paid to the arch and the majestic columns within. Additional work focused on improving the landscaping that connects from Goswell Street to King Square Gardens.

Wenlake Estate Playground

  • S106 (£1,629)

The scheme delivered improvements to the Wenlake Estate playground. The improvements included the installation of a traditional and appropriate play space to increase the use of the area.

Stafford Cripps Estate - Open Space

  • S106 (£56,415)

The scheme delivered improvements to the shed roofs, the renewal of plant beds, refurbishment of the lobby areas, public space improvements and improvements to the playground, lighting, and landscaping.

Gambier House Public Realm Improvements

  • S106 (£39,280)

The scheme delivered improvements including the removal of defective railings and installation of new railings, external lighting improvements and pathway resurfacing.

Stafford Cripps Estate - Cycle Storage

  • CIL Admin (£17,116)

The scheme delivered cycle storage on a vacant area of land on the estate.

Coltash Court Planters

  • S106 (£10,000)

The funding supported the installation of more greenery at Coltash Court. The works included the installation of two planters to transform and improve the visual aesthetics of the space, creating more greenery.

Small Scale Environmental Improvements on Estates

  • S106 (£150,000)
  • Strategic Local CIL (£200,000) 

The funding has supported a variety of small-scale improvements on a range of estates including:

Lagonier House 

The funding delivered works to repair brickwork to brick planters to the right hand side of Lagonier House, new installations of CCTV cameras to cover blind spots identified by the concierge and estate services team and works to reconstruct the surface of the rear carpark to improve linings. 

Chadworth House 

Works included the removal of redundant signs fixtures and fitting from the external communal areas, lighting upgrades to the same LED fittings throughout the external communal areas, the lavender plants and tree planters have been tidied and improved, and the rear area paving has been resurfaced in red tarmac to match the rest of the estate.

St Lukes Estate 

New bin enclosures to Godfrey House and Patterson Court to comply with fire safety issues have been installed as well as additional CCTV camera installations to cover blind spots identified by the concierge team and estate services have been undertaken.

Whitecross Estate

Redundant raised planters have now been removed from next to Coltash Court and repurposed on another estate.

Whitbread Estate

Works included estate decluttering with the removal of redundant signs fixtures and fitting from the external communal areas, column lights have been upgraded to LED and posts repainted, and new block signs have been ordered and are due for installation very soon.

Braithwaite House

Estate decluttering with the removal of redundant signs fixtures and fitting from the external communal areas

Spa Green

Artwork for estate maps are being worked up with the TMO’s involvement and once these are agreed they will be manufactured and installed.

St Luke's Estate 3D Art Installation

  • S106 (£300,000)

The scheme engaged a local artist to design and install a defining piece of public artwork as the centrepiece for the estate. 

Bunhill Ward Tree Planting

  • Strategic Local CIL (£50,000)
  • S106 (£3,060)

The funding delivered additional street tree planting in the ward, in line with the tree strategy during the 2020/21 planting season. Locations included Bunhill Row, Fortune Street Gardens, Kings Square Gardens and Quaker Court.

Hermit Street Community Gardens - Friend Street

  • S106 (£65,713)

The scheme delivered improvements firstly to a small triangle of land at the northeast end of Hermit Street. Secondly, new cycle parking provision helped discourage cycle parking on railings. Finally, the project involved minor improvements to the gardens and introduction of a new gate system to discourage anti-social behaviour.

Kings Square Gardens - Word Sensory Garden

  • CIL Admin (£7,000)
  • S106 (£50,000)

To celebrate the launch of the sixth borough-wide Word Festival in June 2017, a unique the project saw the creation a sensory garden, to capture and share the thoughts and memories of local residents with early onset dementia, and to celebrate the potential of expression through the written word. A joint project between Islington (Libraries & Heritage, Parks and Arts Development services) and local charities the St. Luke's Centre and All Change, created an integrated text and planting scheme providing a fully accessible and permanent place of quiet contemplation and reflection created by and for local residents from Bunhill ward and beyond.

Compton Street Gardens

  • S106 (£187,864)

The scheme replaced the existing play equipment and introduced more natural play opportunities. The changes helped improve the play value of Compton Street Park, for the benefit of children living on the following estates: Cyrus House, Triangle, Tompion and Earnshaw and Percival.

Lever Street Area Tree Planting

  • S106 (£19,000)

The scheme involved planting higher quality trees on Lever Street and additional planting on nearby estates.

Finsbury Square

  • S106 (£21,000)

The scheme involved a remodelling of the Square to improve the visitor experience, provide new income-generating opportunities, and make the square an event destination of choice. 

Pleydell Estate

  • CIL Admin (£60,000)

The scheme delivered a new roundabout, paths, lawn areas and seating. In addition to delivering new raised flowerbeds.

St Luke's Estate Open Space and Podium Garden Improvements

  • S106 (£200,000)

The project will deliver general landscaping improvements to the gardens that are publicly accessible from both Bath Street and Peerless Street. In addition to enhancing the soft landscape on the podium, by clearing the existing hedges, weeding and general maintenance of the turf. The podium could also provide additional food growing space for the estate’s residents. Lastly, the project improved the children’s playground.

Seward Street Playground

  • S106 (£481,585)

The scheme involved improvements to the existing playground to make the space publicly accessible. Works included alterations to the boundary and access ways to improve the sites accessibility and security. Alongside the installation of new fencing and line markings to create a kick about area, play equipment, seating and litterbins.

Radnor Street Park – Playground Improvements

  • Local CIL (£30,000)
  • S106 (£20,000)

The project saw the introduction of new play equipment at the park. In order to create a more engaging and exciting space of children. 

Moreland Children's Centre Rooftop Terrace Community Play Garden

  • S106 (£40,000)

The scheme created a community play garden on the large first-floor terrace of the Children's Centre. Local families with children under five use the space. The terrace is accessible to all families using the Children’s Centre's outreach and early childhood services.

King Square Gardens – Playground Creation

  • S106 (£40,000)

The project has enhanced the play opportunities in the gardens play area by providing funding for additional toddler play equipment. The work involved the creation of a new enclosed toddler play area, which boasts natural education play equipment, an access bridge, planting and new pathways. The project has rejuvenated the area, providing an engaging and safe space for children to play.

Quaker Gardens - Public Art

  • Local CIL (£2,125)

The project delivered a series of new public murals in public areas of Quaker Court and Braithwaite House, which are the gateways to historic Quaker Gardens.

Whitecross Street Public Art

  • S106 (£16,846)

The funding ensured the creation of a series of semi-permanent and permanent public art works in the street environment in and around the Whitecross Street area. The works sought to improve the physical landscape, encourage greater use of the existing public space and community facilities in the area.

Old Station Shaft on Central Street/ and City Road - Public Art

  • S106 (£94,595)

The project saw an artist commissioned to develop integrated artwork as part of the structure for the Bunhill II Energy Centre. The artist proposed the installation of a series of cast aluminium panels at street level on the building. The artist commissioned additional panels for the ventilation shaft structure. The design of the panels sought to make a significant contribution to place making in the locality. The cast aluminium reliefs derived its form from an architectural analysis of the social housing that benefits directly from the Bunhill II Energy Centre. The work entailed the production of 70 cast relief aluminium panels and brackets by a contracted foundry, with some areas of colour applied later by the artist.

St Luke's Primary School - New Science, Art and Design Technology Classroom

  • Local CIL (£140,000)

The funding contributed towards a new single storey classroom, which stands alone from the main building and is big enough for 30 pupils. The classroom has extensive shelving, storage and resources, including re-cycling resources.

Prior Weston Primary School - Outside Play Spaces

  • Local CIL (£200,000)

The project involved the re-surfacing of the current play spaces, the replacement of the large net cover over the pitch and the replacement of the climbing equipment. Additionally, the work provided a space for active play and quiet activities, alongside a new shelter and shades for use in all weathers.

King Square Gardens

  • S106 (£405,000)

The scheme provided maintenance and upgrades to the water play feature in the gardens.

Moreland Primary School Capacity Expansion & Outside Play Spaces

  • S106 (£1,360,562)

The project delivered further works to the outside play areas including landscaping and planting, sail shades, a sensory garden, planting boxes for children, sand and water play features, and play equipment such as a playhouse, climbing structure and slide.

Baltic Street West/Crescent Row Public Realm Improvements

  • S106 (£160,000)

The scheme has created a new public space by relocating the motorcycle parking and providing new paving, seating and landscaping. The design celebrates the mature tree at the centre of the space.  

Bunhill Row Cycling

  • S106 (£105,904)

The scheme delivered improvements to the pedestrian and cycling environment to increase safety, in particular around the Banner Street/ Featherstone Street junction.

Ironmonger Row - Access Improvements

  • CIL Admin (£250,000)

This scheme delivered accessibility improvements on Ironmonger Row.

Pear Tree Street Streetscape Improvements

A borough-wide survey of highway conditions identified this street as a priority for renewal. The scheme involved improvements to the footway and carriageway.
Owen Street Streetscape Improvements

  • S106 (£63,376)

The scheme involved the adoption of a privately owned carriageway located adjacent to an existing stretch of footway, designated as public highway. The adoption ensured the relocation of the cycle path to the carriageway and for pedestrians to use the current footway to reduce conflicts.

Bunhill Row Cycling

  • S106 (£105,904)

The scheme delivered improvements to the pedestrian and cycling environment to increase safety, in particular around the Banner Street/ Featherstone Street junction.

Ironmonger Row - Access Improvements

  • CIL Admin (£250,000)

This scheme delivered accessibility improvements on Ironmonger Row.

Pear Tree Street Streetscape Improvements

A borough-wide survey of highway conditions identified this street as a priority for renewal. The scheme involved improvements to the footway and carriageway.
Cycle Route Improvements - Finsbury Square to Bunhill Row

  • S106 (£310,235)

The scheme delivered improvements to the cycling and pedestrian environment, to increase safety and usage. The project provided a ‘Quietway’ cycle link between ‘Cycle Superhigway 1’ (at Wilson Street) and ‘Quietway 11’ (at Bunhill Row). The scheme delivered a segregated bi-directional cycle track on the south side of Finsbury Square, with associated junction improvements at the junction of Chiswell Street and Finsbury Square. Finally, works saw the implementation of minor alterations to improve cycle safety at the junction of Bunhill Row and Chiswell Street.

Whitecross Street - CCTV

  • S106 (£43,000)

The scheme involved the installation CCTV on Whitecross Street, which linked into the Old Street CCTV office. The installation was due to an increase in high level Anti-Social Behaviour in the evening, an increase in mopeds speeding up and down Whitecross Street and a risk of theft to shoppers whilst at market.

Old Street Gyratory Removal

  • S106 (£516,711)

The removal of the Old Street Gyratory is a partnership project between Islington, Hackney and the Mayor of London, with Transport for London providing the majority of the funds. The work saw the north-western arm of the roundabout closed to traffic, thus creating a peninsula and a new public space. The scheme sought to improve pedestrian and cycle safety through the re-routing of traffic into a two-way road system around the remaining arms.

Baldwin Street and Peerless Street

  • S106 (£150,925)

This scheme involved the resurfacing of the carriageways and widening of the footways of Baldwin Street and Peerless Street.  The scheme created an integrated junction between the proposed landscaped walk as part of the development, Baldwin Street, and its extension into Peerless Street.

Moreland Street/Pickard Street Improvements

  • Local CIL (£49,140)
  • S106 (£286,859)

The scheme saw the narrowing of the carriageway and the introduction of coloured asphalt to reduce vehicle speed and make drivers aware they are entering an area where children are present. Additionally, the work involved the installation of new planters, seating and electric charging bays. The project won a ModeShift Award in November 2019 in the ‘Excellence in the walking’ category and was shortlisted for a London Transport Award in March 2020.