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Caledonian community plan

Read about the latest proposals and funded projects that make up the Caledonian Community Plan.

Caledonian ward councillors standing outside Jean Stokes Community Centre

The Caledonian Community Plan has a list of projects funded by developer contributions that your local councillors want to make happen. This is because they think the projects will improve your area and enhance the lives of everyone who lives and works here.

The list of projects is split into three sections.

  • Awaiting funding – projects that councillors are minded to support depending on availability of funds but have not yet made any allocations towards.
  • In progress – projects that have been funded and are ongoing.
  • Completed – projects that are now finished.

Awaiting funding

Maiden Lane Overground Station Business Case

Approximate Cost: £TBC

The allocation will support an initial feasibility study into the long-term potential of a new Overground station at Maiden Lane. Islington and Camden Council will share the cost of the project.  


In progress

Caledonian Traders Association Development Fund

  • Local CIL (£50,000)

The allocation will create a development funding pot to support the Trader’s Association. The allocation will align with a key objective in the ‘We are Cally Community Plan’ of creating a thriving, connected local economy that works for everyone. The allocation will also support the aspiration to build stronger relationships between traders and to simplify local businesses buying and selling from each other.

Caledonian Festival - Long Term Financial Support

  • S106 (£100,000)
  • Strategic Local CIL (£50,000)

The allocation will provide funding to the Caledonian festival over a 3-year period.

Engagement (Community & Youth)

  • S106 (£25,000)

The funding will support the delivery of elements of the Good Growth project in Caledonian related to community and youth engagement activities.

Delhi Outram Estate Ball Court Reimagining

  • Local CIL (£30,000)

The ball court on the Delhi Outram Estate has fallen into disrepair. Councillors have identified the space for redevelopment. The initial stage of the project will involve a site meeting and consultation with residents and resident groups to discuss potential options. 

Caledonian Ward Tree Planting

  • Strategic Local CIL (£14,797)

The project will deliver tree planting throughout the Caledonian ward, in line with the Council's tree strategy. This will contribute to a greener Islington, which protects and promotes nature, and is better equipped to deal with climate change.

Triangle Site Community Gardening Scheme

  • Local CIL (£37,879)

The funds would go towards the co-build programme to create a new garden on a Brownfield site, called the Triangle Site, engaging approximately 700 local children, families, young people and residents in its build through community workshops.

Robert Blair Primary School - Reconfiguring Entrances & Frontage

  • Local CIL (£90,250)
  • S106 (£51,250)

The project will involve the re-positioning of the school's entrances and frontages, in addition to the re-organisation of the building’s internal layout.

Caledonian Liveable Neighbourhood and Greening

  • S106 (£950,466)

Area-wide improvement to the street environment of "the Caledonian / Copenhagen Street corridor", a collection of streets around a neighbourhood of predominantly social housing that includes the middle of Caledonian Ward and the southern part of the Barnsbury Ward. The project's objective is to significantly reduce through traffic, cut vehicle speeds and to increase walking and cycling through the area alongside public realm improvements to enhance the quality of life for approximately 7,000 residents and 6 schools in the area.


Bingfield Park Improvements

  • Local CIL (£146,279)
  • Strategic- Local CIL (£40,000)
  • S106 (£654,681)

The project involved the remodelling of the children’s playground, installation of a new sports surface & kick about area, new youth services, installation of CCTV and an extension of the park’s footprint.

Jean Stokes Community Centre

  • S106 (£100,000)

The project involved the refurbishment of the Jean Stokes Community Centre. Three key changes included improvements to the building’s accessibility, moving from an ‘appointment only’ to a ‘drop in’ centre and creation of a basement space for Caledonian organisations and charities.

West Library Improvement Works

  • Local CIL (£100,000)
  • S106 (£184,000)

The improvement works included the creation of a web-enabled office and meeting area, to allow unemployed residents to access job-search facilities, along with the installation of a lift to make the first floor accessible for all.

Winton Primary School Sport Pitch Resurfacing

  • Local CIL (£17,000)

The scheme involved the relaying of a new coloured anti slip surfacing, to reduce injuries. New line markings will now support a variety of sports including football hockey basketball. Additionally, lighting upgrades will ensure that the community are able to use the pitches outside of school hours in the evening.

Community Provision Review in Caledonian Ward

  •  Local CIL (£5,700)

Community Provision review in Caledonian Ward.

Support for Copenhagen Youth Project Volunteering Programme

  •  S106 (£17,904)

The funding has allowed Copenhagen Youth Project to appoint an experienced Volunteer Coordinator that developed an advanced volunteering programme. The appointment ensured the creation of new processes and systems for the recruitment, training and supervising of local volunteers. 

Caledonian Arts Project/Festival

  • S106 (£32,313)

The project has delivered local regeneration through arts development in the Caledonian ward.

Bemerton Children's Centre - Replacement & Upgrade of Garden Learning & Play Areas

  • S106 (£40,000)

The scheme has delivered improvements to the frontage and signage at the front of the building. In the garden, further improvement includes the replacement of non-slip surfaces and awning and the upgrading of garden equipment. 

Stranraer Way 1-20 New Path Creation

  • S106 (£106,418)

The project has involved the re-paving and the separation of pedestrian and parking areas. In addition to the installation of new picnic tables and seating.

Islington Bangladesh Association Carpets

  • CIL (£7,050)

The scheme has replaced all carpets at the IBA (Islington Bangladesh Association) centre which is used by many across the borough. 

Nailour Estate

  • Local CIL (£50,000)

The project has created a new junior playground on the site of a disused ball court. The works included the introduction of a variety of play equipment including a multi play climbing frame, play hill and an obstacle course. Additional works involved the removal of fencing around a greens space on the west of the estate, to provide residents with access. 

Delhi Outram Estate Play Area Improvements

  • Local CIL (£30,000)

The scheme has increased the play area on the estate, which provided local children with increased play and social space. 

Bemerton Estate - East-West Route to Kings Cross

  • S106 (£130,970)

The project improved the legibility and permeability of the public realm within the northern King's Cross area. The project created an east to west pedestrian route from the new development at Kings Cross Central, through the Bemerton Estate (Perth Green), which linked through to Caledonian Road and Thornhill Square to the east.

Caledonian Youth Outreach Work

  • Local CIL (£20,000)

The scheme provided outreach work from a youth club base. The outreach work supported young people in a variety of situations and directed them to planned activities to help establish positive relationships. In addition, the scheme provided an ongoing level of individual and group, support through Copenhagen Youth Project activities beyond the initial intervention.

Crumbles Castle Adventure Playground Improvements

  • Local CIL (£74,000)
  • S106 (£61,165)

The project provided funding to improve the play infrastructure at the Crumbles Castle Adventure Playground. The works have provided a safe, high-quality and engaging play space for children. 

Thornhill Square - Play Area

  • Local CIL (£15,957)
  • S106 (£4,320)

The project involved the re-surfacing of the Thornhill square playground, as over the years the space has seen a significant amount of use. The work will ensure the children have a safe space, in which to play.

Lumpy Hill Adventure Playground Improvements 

  • Local CIL (£17,135)
  • S106 (£32,865)

The project involved the redesign of the main entrance to the adventure playground. The design saw the fence moved to incorporate disused land between the adventure playground and the tennis centre. Additional works involved the modernisation of the kitchen and toilet facilities and replacement of flooring.

Edward Square Play Area

  • S106 (£25,000)

The scheme delivered re-surfacing to the Edward Square play area, ensuring a safe environment for children to play in.

Bingfield Park Games Area

  • S106 (£25,312)

The project involved the resurfacing and general improvements to the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA). The project has improved the pitches drainage and increased the range of sports the pitch can support.

Bingfield Street - CCTV

  • S106 (£12,000)

The project saw the installation of additional CCTV on the corner of Bingfield Street and Havelock Street. The new cameras will provide surveillance into Bingfield Park and sight lines down Bingfield Street and Havelock Street. To help improve security in the area.

Westbourne Road - New Zebra Crossing

  • Local CIL (£25,000)

The scheme saw the installation of a new zebra crossing on Market Road and at Westbourne Road (junction of Bride Street, walking route to St Mary Mags School) to create a straight walking route from Shearling Way to the entrance of the park and adventure playground.

Eco Zone on Canal Towpath Caledonian

  • S106 (£20,000)

This project created a no burning Eco Zone along the canal towpath. It involved installing electric charging points along the canal network and became the first electric only stretch of canal in the UK. The project aimed to lower nitrogen dioxide emissions and particulate matter; to stop the triple and quadruple mooring of boats; and to reduce complaints in the area regarding noise and pollution.. 

Freeling Street Parklet

  • S106 (£5,000)

The project saw the transformation of a closed highway area into a pocket park. The space will act as an entry point into the East-West pathway from Caledonian Road to Bingfield Park. 

Copenhagen Street and Market Road Enforcing HGV Ban

  • S106 (£5,000)

The project involved the implementation of width restriction with associated CCTV enforcement on Market Road. The measures will help to enforce the existing 7.5-tonne lorry ban scheme in the area.