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Arsenal community plan

Read about the latest proposals and funded projects that make up the Arsenal Community Plan.

The Arsenal Community Plan has a list of projects funded by developer contributions that your local councillors want to make happen. This is because they think the projects will improve your area and enhance the lives of everyone who lives and works here.

The list of projects is split into three sections.

  • Awaiting funding – projects that councillors are minded to support depending on availability of funds but have not yet made any allocations towards.
  • In progress – projects that have been funded and are ongoing.
  • Completed – projects that are now finished.

Awaiting funding

In progress

Arsenal Contribution to Sensory Room at Pakeman Primary School

  • Local CIL (£11,992)

This project will deliver a new sensory room for children with special educational needs and disabilities at Pakeman Primary School. The sensory room will provide opportunities for learning with structured sensory activities. It will also act as a calming environment which can be used to support self-regulation.

Improvements to Outside Area at Gillespie Primary School

  • Local CIL (£53,650)

This project will deliver improvements to the outside area at Gillespie Primary School. The project will involve clearing and re-instating the existing raised beds, installation of ivy walls, a new seating area, a new screening to bin area, a new fence and gate and the supply and installation of Astro-turf.

Arsenal Contribution to Restoration of Islington War Memorial Arch

  • Local CIL (£5,000)

This project will contribute to funding specialist heritage advice to restore the Islington War Memorial Arch. The memorial arch is Grade II Listed and is in a very poor condition. It is the only listed war memorial on the National Heritage at Risk Register. Many of the names of the fallen are damaged, illegible or badly eroded and the condition of the memorial is no longer a fitting tribute to their sacrifice. Without action the memorial will continue to decay.

Arsenal Contribution to WE HEAL Grant Programme

  • Local CIL (£5,000)

This project will fund a 2-year borough wide programme focused on the use of expressive and creative arts to support women’s health and wellbeing, with focus on organisations that provide specialist services for survivors of violence against women and girls.

Arsenal Contribution to the Expansion of Counselling Services at the Stress Project

  • S106 (£10,000)
  • Local CIL (£10,000)

The Stress Project is a project, run by the Holloway Neighbourhood Group, which provides a range of low cost therapies and wellbeing activities for people experiencing stress related illnesses or mental health problems. Funding will help the Stress Project to expand their counselling programme to meet the needs of more residents who are experiencing mental health issues as a result of the pandemic. This includes offering fast-track access to free counselling for people with low to moderate (or more severe) mental health issues.



Conewood Street Children’s Centre

  • S106 (£41,000)

This project delivered improvements to the Conewood Street Children’s Centre to increase the number of childcare and early education places for children under five. By reconfiguring the toddler room, the project will increase the centre’s capacity for 2-3 year olds from 16 to 24. The project also renovated the centre’s garden. This project was delivered in October 2021. 

Gillespie Primary School 'Lab 13'

  • S106 (£141,180)

This scheme created a multi-purpose laboratory in which to explore science, design and technology, going far beyond the level that is typical in a primary school. This project was delivered in April 2020.

Gillespie Primary School Playground

  • S106 (£16,500)

This scheme upgraded the Victorian playground facilities at Gillespie Primary School. The outdated play equipment was replaced with a new adventure playground, offering more exciting and engaging play opportunities. Use of the playground has also been offered to Highbury Vale Blackstock Trust (HVBT) After School and Holiday Club. The club is immediately next door to the playground and previously lacked access to outdoor space. In this way, the play area can be enjoyed by school pupils and the wider local community.

IT Equipment for Schools

  • Local CIL (£4,000)

The scheme delivered IT equipment for primary school children, during the COVID-19 lockdown, to enable them to continue their learning remotely. Project completed in June 2020.

Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre

  • S106 (£80,000)

This project delivered the following improvements to the school and children’s centre: playground resurfacing; the erection of a multipurpose structure which can be used as an outdoor classroom/imaginative play; the creation of a climbing wall; the installation of whiteboards/blackboards for outdoor learning; and ball netting.

Intercom Gate and Railings for St Thomas Church Playgroup

  • S106 (£9,860)

This project installed a gate which better secures the entrance to St Thomas's Church playgroup garden and an alternative entrance to the playgroup. This gate has an intercom and associated CCTV and tradespeople’s entrance function. It also restored a piece of railing that was removed several decades ago. This will safeguard the main entrance used by the children who attend the playgroup by closing off a piece of the churchyard where various drug-related paraphernalia have been found. Project completed in March 2020.

N4 Library

  • S106 (£68,000)

The scheme created a digital hub to help residents obtain skills to go-online. The improvements delivered included: the removal of a reception table to create more creative spaces; the creation of a reading area; and, the creation of a space to go online.

Finsbury Park Mosque - Roof Repairs

• Local CIL (£5,000)
This project funded electrical repairs associated with the leaky roof at Finsbury Park mosque. Project completed in 2021.

Coding Courses at Elizabeth House

  • S106 (£18,000)

This funding provided access to coding skills for local secondary school students in the interim period before similar courses were included within the school curriculum. Coding is a valuable skill for future employment opportunities, and helps young people to make the most of their creativity and innovation. Coding courses were delivered by Mer-IT.

Harvist Estate

  • S106 (£30,000)

The scheme delivered improvements to Harvist Estate including provision of community gardening space and security improvements.

Improvements at Elizabeth House

  • S106 (£58,500)

This scheme provided improvements to Elizabeth House, including: external repairs and redecoration of the building; redecoration of community rooms; improvements to the acoustics of the community hall with acoustic panels; repair of flooring in two community rooms; and changing of electrical fittings and lighting fixtures.

Finsbury Park Mosque - Improving Access for Disabled People & CCTV

  • S106 (£6,000)

Finsbury Park Mosque is a community centre in Finsbury Park area. It serves up to 2,000 people and acts as a venue for conferences, lectures, weddings, local government surgeries and other community gatherings. This project provided better access to the mosque for disabled people and improved security through the installation of CCTV cameras. 

Stephens Ink Gate

  • S106 (£4,873)

The scheme improved security of Stephens Ink Community Centre and residential units especially on Arsenal match days by installing a vehicle gate/pedestrian gate across the front width of the entrance of Tannington Terrace to prevent anti-social behaviour.

Arsenal Secure Estate Cycle Storage

  • Local CIL (£2,013)
  • S106 (£9,487)

This scheme delivered more secure cycle facilities on estates. New hangars, shelters and covered stands will help residents to store cycles safely, rather than taking up space inside properties or being left in communal areas of buildings, where they can undermine fire safety requirements. The availability of secure cycle storage will also encourage more cycle use, with personal, environmental, health and economic benefits. 

Hind House - Ball Court Soundproofing & Community Room Improvements

  • S106 (£29,115)

This project delivered improvements to the ball court and refurbished the community room at Hind House. The ball court improvements included: installation of additional soundproofing to reduce the noise travelling to neighbouring properties; installation of pitch net; and, upgraded pitch lights. 

Tawney Court - Cycle Storage and Lighting

  • S106 (£10,000)

This scheme installed a locked cycle shelter at the estate to prevent the potential theft of cycles or parts. It also delivered lighting improvements to help with security of rear pram sheds/cycle racks. Project completed in April 2019.

Herbert Chapman Court - Thermal Insulation

  • S106 (£20,000)

This project renewed the main roof of each block and existing single glazed steel crittall windows at Herbert Chapman Court, to provide improved thermal efficiency and performance. The scheme aimed to reduce carbon emissions and address fuel poverty within the estate.

Aubert Court Cycle Parking

  • S106 (£30,000)

This project installed cycle storage facility to be accessible both by estate residents and community centre visitors and staff. The storage facility is placed on the grassed area opposite the main entrance to the community centre. The project will help residents to store cycles safely, rather than taking up space inside properties or being left in communal areas of buildings, where they can undermine fire safety requirements. The availability of secure cycle storage will also encourage more cycle use, with personal, environmental, health and economic benefits.

Public Realm Improvements at Quill Street

  • S106 (£9,740)

This project delivered public realm improvements at the Quill Street estate. The scheme improved the playspace; provided security improvements; and re-designed the estate’s waste collection facilities.

Gillespie Park Local Nature Reserve - Ecology Centre

  • S106 (£51,000)

The scheme delivered improvements to the Ecology Centre building. The centre is used by school children, community groups and for exercise classes (e.g. yoga and tai chi). Improvements included: updating and refurbishing the interior of the Ecology Centre; refurbishing the kitchen; installing a new fire escape door; replacing of floor coverings; and, installing baby-change facilities in the toilets.

Vaudeville Court

  • S106 (£20,500)

The scheme delivered improvements to the frontage at Vaudeville Court and landscaping works. 

Public Realm Improvements at Rollit House and Branston House

  • S106 (£165,000)

This project improved the public realm at Rollit House and Branston House. The scheme aimed to increase residential amenity and to reduce instances of anti-social behaviour (ASB), which were facilitated by poorly designed and/or redundant public spaces. Improvements included the delivery of a play area, a community garden, more lighting and seating, and a secure entry system.

Arsenal Ward Tree Planting

  • S106 (£31,000)

This scheme delivered tree planting across Arsenal, in line with the Council’s tree policy. It aimed to: increase the number of street trees in the area; improve the look and feel of the area; provide shade for pedestrians; increase biodiversity; reduce pollution levels; and, provide seasonal changes to the street environment. The project delivered 63 street trees across the ward. 

Gillespie Park Local Nature Reserve - Accessible Path

The scheme provided an accessible path through Gillespie Park linking Finsbury Park through to Arsenal. The new surfaced path has improved access to nature and had provide a walking and cycling route from Finsbury Park, this has also improved access to the Ecology Centre.

Gillespie Park Local Nature Reserve - Pond Boardwalk

The project has replaced the pond Boardwalk at Gillespie Park to ensure continued education facilities and safe access to the rest of the site for all local park users and Ecology Centre visitors.

Installation of Wall-mounted Waste Bins

  • S106 (£2,000)

This scheme provided 20 wall-mounted waste bins at key locations across Arsenal ward. In particular, popular dog walking routes were targeted to help address issues of increased dog waste across the ward. The location of each bin was informed by complaints data, which was analysed and used to identify hotspots for rubbish and dog waste.

Highbury Traffic Management

  • S106 (£43,070)

The scheme contributed to accident reduction, road safety and environmental improvements for vulnerable road users. Part of the funding was used for measures including signage and cameras to implement School Street proposals in the ward.

Bryantwood Road Footway

  • S106 (£204,000)

The project repaired the damaged parts of the footway on Bryantwood Road.

Designing Out Crime on Blackstock Road

  • S106 (£50,000)

This project aimed to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB) on Blackstock Road and the surrounding areas. It involved working with members of the local community to: help to identify perpetrators of crime; empower local businesses to report crime and ASB; offer support and assistance to marginalised groups; and to make the area more attractive to deter crime and ASB. The scheme was divided into 4 areas: 

  1. Outreach programme led by the Muslim Welfare House to engage with the Somalian, Algerian and Muslim businesses on Blackstock/Seven Sisters Road; 
  2. Installation of a new CCTV camera on Blackstock Road; 
  3. Supporting development of a robust Business Watch Scheme for local businesses; 
  4. Cleaning up and refreshing Blackstock Road i.e. tackling litter and fly tipping.

Islington Connect2 Route: Walking & Cycling Improvements

This scheme helped to improve cycling and walking access along a route stretching from Finsbury Park, through Highbury, to Holloway Road, as part of the Connect2 project. Connect2 is a five-year project run by Sustrans. It involves the creation of new cycle and walking routes, bridges and other facilities in 79 locations around the UK. The project encourages people to travel in ways that benefit their health and the environment.
Highbury Hill/ Martineau Road Junction Safety Measures

  • S106 (£20,000)

The scheme built a traffic island at the corner of Martineau Road and Highbury Hill to improve road safety.

Arsenal Contribution to Islington Mind LD Together Project

  • Local CIL (£5,000)

This scheme provided funding to support LD Together, a project developed by Islington Mind to support individuals who experience multiple disadvantages including complex mental health problems and learning difficulties in making friends, sharing experiences, and socialising in a safe therapeutic space. The service also provides ad-hoc one-to-one support to service users tackling more complex practical goals. The project is coordinated by two mental health professionals and runs out of Islington Mind’s Ashley Road Day Centre.

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