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Highbury community plan

Read about the latest proposals and funded projects that make up the Highbury Community Plan.

The Highbury Community Plan has a list of projects funded by developer contributions that your local councillors want to make happen. This is because they think the projects will improve your area and enhance the lives of everyone who lives and works here.

The list of projects is split into three sections.

  • Awaiting funding – projects that councillors are minded to support depending on availability of funds but have not yet made any allocations towards.
  • In progress – projects that have been funded and are ongoing.
  • Completed – projects that are now finished.

Awaiting funding

Delivery of a Local Heat Network in Highbury 

Approximate Cost: £8 million  

This project would deliver an extension to the local energy network in the Highbury ward, which would be based around the Central Library. The extension of the network would have the potential to connect residential buildings, businesses and other facilities to a potentially cheaper and greener heat supply, improving both energy efficiency and value for money. This is in line with the Council’s wider Net Zero Carbon strategy which aims to make Islington a net zero carbon borough by 2030, and sets out a vision of a fair and green future for local people.

Highbury Transport and Public Realm Improvements

Approximate Cost: TBC

The Highbury Fields Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) has now been implemented as a trial. LTNs are groups of residential streets where through traffic is discouraged. Traffic filters have been introduced to prevent vehicles (apart from emergency services) from driving straight through from one main road to another. Residents, deliveries and essential services can access any house from one main road. Highbury ward councillors, and many local residents, are supportive of LTN measures although consultation is ongoing, and the council is listening to a range of residents’ views. The measures have reduced the amount of through traffic making the area safer for people walking and cycling, improving air quality, and increasing the uptake of cycling.

Alongside the LTNs, Highbury councillors are committed to improving accessibility across the ward. An audit to examine the accessibility of all streets in Highbury was recently commissioned, and focused on the quality of street crossings, obstructions, signage, need for dropped kerbs, tactile paving and environmental considerations e.g. overgrown foliage. The aim of the report is to improve the public realm for all users, including people with disabilities, older people, young children, and people with prams and push chairs. 

The Council is currently reviewing the report’s recommendations and will seek to implement a number of measures in due course. In doing so, we hope to encourage more active use of the streets, maximising opportunities for active travel and play, and ensuring that spaces are as safe as possible.

Highbury Fields Drainage Improvements

Approximate Cost: TBC

This project would re-landscape the lower part of Highbury Fields to protect against surface water runoff and flooding from extreme rainfall through a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS). SuDS systems capture surface water to reduce the risk of surface water flooding. Such measures are particularly pertinent in the context of the ongoing climate emergency, especially as instances of extreme rainfall and drought are set to increase.

Highbury Fields Improvements

Approximate Cost: TBC

Highbury councillors are keen to hear from local residents for their suggestions to improve Highbury Fields. In particular, they would like to consider ideas for delivering increased resilience and improved biodiversity in the context of the climate emergency. This project would provide funding to undertake formal consultation with local residents and park users, to identify and deliver improvements to enhance the area and deliver increased amenity for all users.


In progress

Highbury Quadrant Nature Gardens - Community Coordinator 

  • Local CIL (£46,801)

This project will enable Elizabeth House to employ a community coordinator for two years to coordinate the maintenance of the Highbury Quadrant Nature Gardens. The community coordinator will be responsible for resident engagement and will deliver a programme of social engagement activities and gardening workshops.

Improvements to Garden Space at Riversdene, Highbury Quadrant Estate

  • S106 (£21,415)

This scheme will provide residents with access a disused garden space at Riversdene. The project will involve bringing the garden back to life and developing a community growing area for residents to use.

Highbury Grove Garden Improvements

  • Local CIL (£14,461)

This project will deliver improvements to the community garden space at the rear of Highbury Grove estate. The garden will be co-designed with residents and the space will be redeveloped into a community gardening area and sensory garden.

Installation of Planters at Westerdale Court

  • S106 (£8,165)

This scheme will develop a community gardening space at Westerdale Court. The installation of planters will enable residents to engage in community gardening activity which promotes their health and wellbeing, facilitates positive and productive community relationships, and improves the environment with greater levels of biodiversity. The project also offers opportunities for residents to gain new knowledge and learn new skills.

Highbury Fields Park Buildings

  • Local CIL (£12,233)
  • S106 (£589,746)

This scheme will provide a new integrated café, toilet and park keeper building within Highbury Fields on the site of the existing Oasis Cafe. The project is currently at the pre-application stage of the planning process and has recently been through public consultation. It will involve demolishing all of the existing park buildings, including the Highbury Fields bandstand. The new integrated café will be a single story building and will include a terraced area with outdoor seating. The building will sit on the site of the existing café. The bandstand area will also be re-landscaped to create a new sheltered teaching space with an outdoor learning garden, where young children from local schools can actively engage with nature and attend outdoor learning sessions.

Highbury Accessibility Street Audit

  • S106 (£25,000)

This project has delivered an audit of all of the streets within Highbury. The project aims to improve accessibility throughout the ward, making streets more inclusive and accessible for all. The scope of the audit includes people friendly streets in Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), as well as non-LTN streets. It has examined both physical and non-physical barriers to access. Alongside the audit, funding has been allocated for the implementation of recommendations made.

Sensory Room at Ambler Children's Centre

  • Local CIL (£12,449)

This project will involve repurposing an existing outbuilding into a sensory room for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) at Ambler Children’s Centre. The sensory room will provide opportunities for learning with structured sensory activities. It will also act as a calming environment which can be used to support self-regulation.

Freightliners City Farm

  • Local CIL (£2,500)

This project involves providing support to Freightliners City Farm. The farm is a small community farm with animals and a garden which enables residents to take part in farming and gardening activities. It is an open access space which is free at the point of entry supported by donations, grants and income from farm products and services.


Highbury Contribution to Conewood Street Children’s Centre

  • Local CIL (£20,000)

This project provided improvements to the Conewood Street Children’s Centre to increase the number of childcare and early education places for children under five. By reconfiguring the toddler room, the project increased the centre’s capacity for 2-3 year olds from 16 to 24. The centre’s garden was also renovated. The project was completed in November 2021.

Renewal of Highbury Fields Water Play Feature

This project replaced the old water play feature which was installed at Highbury Fields in the spring of 2004. It was expected that the facility would have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years, however it was never upgraded and fell into a state of disrepair. The project was completed in 2019.

Highbury Fields - Refurbishment of Playground Building

  • S106 (£102,643)

This scheme refurbished the playground building in Highbury Fields, which contains public toilets and the park attendant's hut. The project was completed in 2018.

Highbury Roundhouse Community Centre Improvements 

  • Local CIL (£798,017)
  • S106 (£290,000)

This scheme contributed to the improvements of the Highbury Roundhouse Community Centre Building. The project was completed in 2020.

Central Library - Window Replacement

  • S106 (£167,705)

This scheme replaced the windows on the listed front of the Central Library building, improving the appearance and energy efficiency of the library. The project was completed in October 2019. 

Olden Community Gardens

  • S106 (£6,240)

This scheme provided improvements to Olden Community Gardens, restoring the damaged areas of the site and making it more accessible to the public. The project was completed in 2018. 

Drayton Park School Art and Community Building

  • S106 (£29,436)

This scheme delivered a new-build block which has provided Drayton Park School with two large spaces - one for school art projects and the other for both community and school use. The project was completed in 2018.

Installation of Lumber Store at Jack Walker Court

  • S106 (£20,845)

This scheme delivered a new lumber store unit at Jack Walker Court. The project has improved the appearance of the estate by providing a purpose-built unit in which bulky waste can be stored. 

Installation of Lumbar Store at Rosedale Court

  • S106 (£24,895)

This scheme delivered a new lumber store unit at Rosedale Court. The project has improved the appearance of the estate by providing a purpose-built unit in which bulky waste can be stored. 

Highbury Quadrant Nature Gardens

  • Local CIL (£20,636)

This project provided funding to continue an established food growing and gardening project, run by Elizabeth House and Octopus Communities Network, on the Highbury Quadrant Estate. The project was established in February 2020 and was funded by the Greener City Fund until June 2021. It brought several areas of unused, unloved and inaccessible green spaces on the estate back into use, by developing them as shared community gardens with a mixture of food growing, composting and nature gardening opportunities.

Removing Fence at The Chestnuts

  • S106 (£778)

This project removed a section of redundant fence, levelled off the ground and opened up small area of green space on the estate. The project was completed in 2023.

Formalising Bin Storage Arrangement at Westerdale Court

  • S106 (£14,960)

This project formalised and improved the bin storage arrangements at Westerdale Court. The bins were previously stored in disused pram sheds. The space was previously unsecured and attracted antisocial behaviour. The pram sheds have now been secured with a locked gate and a shoot hopper has been added to enable residents to deposit their refuse into the bins. The project was completed in 2023.

Woodstock House Cycle Hangar Relocation

  • S106 (£3,250)

This project involved moving an underused cycle storage unit at Woodstock House to a location at the front of the estate. The purpose of the project was to provide residents of The Chestnuts estate with access to the cycle storage facility. Now residents from both estates have access to secure cycle storage. The hangar will help residents to store cycles safely, rather than taking up space inside properties or being left in communal areas of buildings, where they can undermine fire safety requirements. The availability of secure cycle storage will encourage more cycle use, with personal, environmental, health and economic benefits. The project was completed in 2023.

Highbury Quadrant - Renewal of Ball Court

  • S106 (£63,962)

This project replaced the walls and surface of the existing ball court on Highbury Quadrant. It also funded the implementation of the play builder scheme. The project was completed in 2018.

Highbury Quadrant - Green Lanes Frontage

This scheme provided improvements to Highbury Quadrant Green Lanes frontage. The project involved: planting manageable shrubs and trees; installing community planters for residents to be involved in planting; and improving the associated pathways and lighting to create accommodating environment. The project was completed in 2017.

Highbury Fields Parkrun Storage Unit

  • Local CIL (£2,600)

This project funded the purchase and installation of a new unit in Highbury Fields for the storage of equipment for the popular parkrun event. The storage unit has provided organisers with easier access to equipment for setting up the event. It will also enable the purchase and storage of more equipment for different weather conditions such as a large gazebo for heavy rain and weighted, rubber-based stakes for the pavement areas when the fields are water-logged. This will provide resilience, enabling the event to continue, even in poor weather conditions. The project was completed in November 2021.

Highbury Fields Tennis Courts

  • S106 (£35,020)

This scheme delivered improvements to the tennis and netball courts at Highbury Fields, including the replacement of fencing and floodlighting. The courts are located north of the park opposite Highbury Fields School. The project was completed in 2015.

Highbury Ward Tree Planting

  • Local CIL (£10,000)

This scheme delivered additional street tree planting in the ward in line with the Council’s tree strategy. The project was completed in 2021.