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St Peters and Canalside Community Plan

The St Peters and Canalside community plan has a list of projects funded by developer contributions that your local councillors want to make happen. This is because they think the projects will improve your area and enhance the lives of everyone who lives and works here.

The list of projects is split into three sections.
  • Awaiting funding – projects that councillors are minded to support depending on availability of funds but have not yet made any allocations towards.
  • In progress – projects that have been funded and are ongoing.
  • Completed – projects that are now finished.

Awaiting funding

People Friendly Streets Supportive Measures 

Approximate cost: TBC

This project would explore opportunities for greening and parklet buildouts at various locations throughout the ward. The measures would support the People Friendly Streets programme and would provide opportunities for greening and traffic calming. The aim of the scheme is to improve the public realm and increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists. 

In progress

Environmental Improvements at Elia Mews Estate

  • S106 (£57,000)

This project will explore options to improve the outdoor amenity space at Elia Mews Estate. Improvements may include updating the existing play equipment, multi-use games area (MUGA) and community garden, as well as landscaping works, planting and other improvements to the open greenspace. The project will improve the public realm, increase residents’ amenity and provide more play opportunities for children.

Secure Estate Cycle Storage

  • Local CIL (£16,000)

This project will provide secure cycle storage on two housing estates - Elia Street and Popham Street. Although Popham Street Estate has now moved out of St Peter’s & Canalside ward and into St Mary’s & St James’, this is a legacy project, which was funded and implemented prior to the ward boundary changes on 05 May 2022. Councillors will continue to support this project until completion. Disused garages will be converted into cycle storage at both estates. This will help residents to store cycles safely, rather than taking up space inside properties or being left in communal areas of buildings, where they can undermine fire safety requirements. The availability of secure cycle storage will also encourage more cycle use, with personal, environmental, health and economic benefits.

Macclesfield House

  • S106 (£300,000)

The scheme will deliver improvements to areas of hardstanding, estate lighting, green spaces and the recycling area & bin chamber. Additional work will include the installation of green garage roof.

Peregrine House Gardens MUGA and Football Pitch

  • S106 (£300,000)

This project will deliver improvements to the multi-use games area (MUGA), playground and communal garden. Alongside improvements to the residents room, with a focus on upgrading the ICT facilities.

Packington Estate Community Gardening Project

  • Local CIL (£39,898)

This project will support an ongoing community gardening project on the Packington Estate. The scheme is run as a partnership between Islington Parks Service, The Arc Community Centre and Octopus Community Network and has been successful in engaging local people around the estate to transform and take care of their green spaces. This project will fund a programme of community engagement and gardening workshops to upskill volunteers and residents, as well as the installation of four watering points and two tool storage units. 

Islington Boat Club

  • S106 (£78,498)
  • Local CIL (£4,200)

This project will provide support to improve the facilities at Islington Boat Club. Improved facilities would enable the club to re-open and would help to support the future of the boat club. 

King Square Shopping Area Public Space

  • S106 (£443,000)

The purpose of this project is to consult with the local community to design and deliver improvements to the public space at King Square shopping area. The funding will cover the design, consultation, and implementation stages of the project. 

Ecological Pond at Moreland School and Children’s Centre

  • S106 (£1,550)

This project will re-develop the pond area at Moreland School and Children’s Centre. The current pond space is currently unusable and overgrown and does not offer a welcoming space for wildlife or for the children to learn and experience nature. The aim of the project is to increase biodiversity, improve the ecological sustainability of the school grounds, and to provide a welcoming, safe space for children to learn about pond habitats to support their environmental and science learning. 

Hanover School Playground Renewal

  • Local CIL (£163,000)

This project will involve renewing the playground at Hanover School. It will involve resurfacing key areas of playground, installing three large canopies to provide rain shelter and shading (expanding teaching and learning spaces) and removing unsafe play equipment and replacing it with two new play structures.

Contribution to St James Church Masterplan

  • S106 (£80,000)

A masterplan has been developed to implement various public realm improvements at the area outside of St. James Church on Prebend Street. This project will provide a contribution to support the implementation of the masterplan.

Replacement of Temporary Fencing at Duncan Terrace Gardens

  • Local CIL (£60,000)

This project provides matched funding to replace the temporary fencing which runs along the plant and flower beds in Duncan Terrace Gardens, with permanent, metal, bow top fencing. The park has a very active Friends of Group who take responsibility for the upkeep of the plant beds. There has been a huge communal effort to preserve and increase the biodiversity value, health value and amenity value of the park. However, the work of the volunteers is regularly undermined by the poor state of the fencing, which allows access to dogs and park users. The current fencing was installed in 2007 and is in desperate need of renewal. Its replacement will remove the need for regular, costly repairs to the temporary fencing.

Graham Street Park Environmental Improvements

  • S106 (£45,124)

This project will explore options to improve the public realm at Graham Street Park. The scheme will focus on the section of the park which runs along Regents Canal. It will address issues of uneven surfacing due to extensive tree root growth, as well as improving biodiversity with increased planting activities. 



Waterside Adventure Playground Zipwire

  • Local CIL (£5,000)

The scheme replaced the broken zipwire at the Waterside Adventure Playground, a popular venue for children, young adults, and their families. 

Basire Street Playground

  • S106 (£23,170)

This project improved the public realm and play equipment at Basire Street Playground, improving the amenity of the area and providing better play opportunities for children. Works included: the installation of a new climbing frame; the installation of grass safety matting; refurbishment of all of the benches; and, the repainting of all play equipment. Project completed in 2020.

Graham Street Park Masterplan

  • S106 (£142,144)

The Graham Street Park Masterplan has been delivered which included measures that improve the park users’ sense of safety, a new play area, improved park boundary, a new multi-use games area, space for community events, and better links with the canal basin.

Public Realm Improvements at Watersview Estate

  • S106 (£20,000)

This project aimed to improve residential amenity and address anti-social behaviour (ASB) within the open spaces surrounding the Waterview Estate. Improvements included: the installation of new column lamps, motion sensor lights, and additional signage. The new lighting in particular has been well received and has proven effective in making residents feel safer after dark. Project completed in July 2020.

Kestrel House Open Space

  • S106 (£465,000)

This project delivered improvements to the open space around Kestrel House, including landscaping and improvements to the play area. The scheme also provided new secure cycle storage, a new caretakers hut, and improvements to the bin and lumbar store arrangements. Overall, the project has improved the appearance and amenity of the estate for residents. 

Popham Community Centre - Paving

This scheme involved improving the paving adjacent to Popham Community Centre, which was previously in poor condition. Previously, people with mobility problems were struggling use the centre, due to the damaged paving. The repairs have increased accessibility and safety at the centre.

Popham Community Centre - Internal Decorations

  • Local CIL (£5,000.00)

This scheme delivered improvements to the community centre which involved general redecoration of the space, installation of new blinds and full refurbishment of the kitchen.

King Square Estate

  • S106 (£219,836)

The scheme will deliver landscaping, public realm and community space improvements to King Square Estate as part of a new build project.

Environmental Improvements and Traffic Restrictions on Charlton Place and Camden Passage

  • S106 (£30,000)

This project delivered environmental improvements and traffic restrictions on Charlton Place and Camden Passage. Works included narrowing the carriageway, as well as the introduction of new seating, planting, and tactile paving.

Eco Zone on Canal Towpath

  • S106 (£20,000)

This project created a no burning Eco Zone along the canal towpath. It involved installing electric charging points along the canal network and became the first electric only stretch of canal in the UK. The project aimed to lower nitrogen dioxide emissions and particulate matter; to stop the triple and quadruple mooring of boats; and to reduce complaints in the area regarding noise and pollution.

Jessop Court Improvements

  • Local CIL (£9,501)
  • S106 (£10,498)

This project provided improvements to Jessop Court, including the entrance area, lift lobbies, stairwells and landings, car park and bin area, and the front and back garden areas of the block. 

Replacement of Bird Boxes at Duncan Terrace Gardens

  • Local CIL (£12,500)

This project replaced the dilapidated bird box structure at Duncan Terrace Gardens. The structure was a collection of wooden bird and bug boxes which created an important 'habitat' for the birds, insects and invertebrates that occupy the gardens. Installed in 2010, the sculpture was originally a temporary installation, to remain in situ for 3 years. However, due to the success of the project, the structure was retained in the park. Over time, it became riddled with rot and had to be removed on health and safety grounds. The scheme has replaced the existing structure with new bird, bug and bat boxes, as well as eco towers, bee posts and a bug hotel noticeboard. The new structures will further promote biodiversity and will be longer lasting than the previous temporary installation.

St Peter's & Canalside Ward Tree Planting

• Local CIL (£10,000)
This scheme provided increased street tree planting in suitable locations in the ward, in line with the Council’s tree strategy.

King Square Gardens Water Bottle Re-fill Station 

  • S106 (£5,189)

The project introduced a new water drinking fountain at Kings Square Gardens, providing visitors and residents the opportunity to refill water bottles for free.

Packington Children's Centre

  • Local CIL (£10,000)

The project improved the nursery facilities at the Packington Children’s Centre. The whole playground area was covered in new safety surfacing, which immediately reduced number of accidents. Feedback from parents demonstrates the positive impact the new space is having on parental anxiety about their young children accessing the outside provision in all weathers.

King Square Community Nursery at Rahere House

  • S106 (£75,000)

The project provided funding for an outdoor play area that featured an enclosed toddler play space, educational play zone, a bridge connecting the new play area with the path under the pergola and installation of a new security gate.