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Barnsbury community plan

Read about the latest proposals and funded projects that make up the Barnsbury Community Plan.

The Barnsbury Community Plan has a list of projects funded by developer contributions that your local councillors want to make happen. This is because they think the projects will improve your area and enhance the lives of everyone who lives and works here.

The list of projects is split into three sections.

  • Awaiting funding – projects that councillors are minded to support depending on availability of funds but have not yet made any allocations towards.
  • In progress – projects that have been funded and are ongoing.
  • Completed – projects that are now finished.

Awaiting funding

Transport and public realm: Barnsbury Ward cycling improvements

  • Expected cost: £37,000

The council wants to increase cycling within the ward by addressing the range of barriers faced by cyclists. Cost-effective investment will make sure that there is a reduction in casualties.

Measures could include:

  • Removal of barriers to cycling such as one-way streets and "No Entry" points.
  • Improving infrastructure by providing enhancements such as Advanced Stop Lines, cycle lanes/tracks and signage where appropriate.

Transport and public realm: Liverpool Road pedestrian and cycling safety provision

  • Expected cost: £10,000

The project will introduce a range of measures aimed at improving the safety of both pedestrians and cyclists along Liverpool Road.

The improvements will play a part in increasing and encouraging active travel throughout Barnsbury, helping to reduce emissions and improve resident's health.

Transport and public realm: Carfree Open Space water point

  • Expected cost: to be calculated

The project will involve the installation of a water point at Carfree Open Space. The water point will help support the maintenance of newly planted trees and streets planters the area.

In progress

Carbon offsetting: Barnard Park ground source heat pump and green roof

  • Cost: £43,300 from Planning (S106)

As part of the drive to reduce CO2 emissions, to meet the pledge of making Islington net zero carbon by 2030, we are installing a ground source heat pump (GSHP) rather than an oil-fired boiler in the new building at Barnard Park. This project forms part of the overall improvement works taking place at Barnard Park. The Bernard Park renewal project below provides further information on the works. 

Community facilities: Chapel Market - Barnsbury contribution

  • Cost: £25,000 from local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and £25,000 from Planning (S106)

Situated in the south east of the Barnsbury Ward, Chapel Market is a well-known historic street. The street is renowned for its traditional market, shops, restaurants and friendly atmosphere. We are now using funds to support improvements.

To ensure changes are to the benefit of traders and local people the design process will involve extensive consultation, which will feed into and lead any plans. Find out more information about the plan on our Chapel Market project page.

All works and initiatives will seek to ensure Chapel Market continues to thrive as a key part of the local economy. 


Estate improvements: Greening of Barnsbury Estates 

  • Cost: £20,000 from local CIL

The project seeks to increase and improve the amount of greenery on Barnsbury estates, through the planting of shrubs, trees and climbers. The work will aid in creating a more attractive environment for residents and providing additional space for wildlife.

Estate improvements: Small-scale estate improvements Barnsbury

  • Cost: £15,000 from local CIL

The scheme will create a pot from which tenants and residents associations / tenant management organisations in the Barnsbury ward can request funding to support smaller scale estate improvements. Councillors will need to approve and review all proposals, prior to the allocation of funding.  

Open space: Barnard Park renewal

  • Cost: £422,134 from local CIL, £381,611 from strategic local CIL and £1,298,145 from Planning (S106)

The aim of the project is a major redevelopment of Barnard Park to ensure it is fit for purpose, as it is one of the most important parks in the borough. Works will include the refurbishment of the playground building, which contains the public toilets and attendants hut, as well as refurbishments to the play areas, sports facilities and pathways.

Open space: Barnsbury ward – Street accessibility audit

  • Cost: £18,700 from local CIL

The project will deliver an audit of all of the streets within Barnsbury. The project aims to improve accessibility throughout the ward, making streets more inclusive and accessible for all. The scope of the audit includes people friendly streets in low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs), as well as non-LTN streets. It will examine both physical and non-physical barriers to access. The report will lead future public realm and street improvements in the ward.

Open space: Barnsbury ward tree planting and street greening

  • Cost: £30,000 from local CIL

The project will increase the number of trees within the Ward. With a view to increasing canopy cover and the benefits that trees can provide, with £7,000 allocated towards this. Furthermore, £23,000 has been set aside to green the streets and public realm. The work will involve the introduction of lower-level planting i.e. shrubbery, grasses and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

The introduction of these will improve both the visual aesthetics of the area and contribute toward a greener and more vibrant ward.

Open space: Barnard Park environmental improvements

  • Cost: £5,000 from local CIL

The project will help improve the environmental offer of the western portion (land between Matilda Street and Hemingford Road) of Barnard Park. Suggested improvements include the introduction of new hedge planting around the perimeter of the site.

The planting would not only improve the aesthetics of the park but would also provide a corridor to wildlife and a place for birds to nest. 


Community facilities: Accessibility Lift Youth Hub - White Lion Street

  • Cost: £23,000 from Planning (S106)

The scheme has provided improvements to the gym, sports equipment and facilities, in addition to the resurfacing of the roof terrace with artificial grass. The new and updated equipment will now provide opportunities to deliver new and different sports and healthy lifestyle opportunities, including first aid and gym instructor courses. 

Community facilities: Claremont Project Community Centre

  • Cost: £7,930 from Planning (S106)

The scheme has helped fund the replacement of the front entrance doors at the Claremont Project community centre. The doors are very heavy and pose a significant barrier to those not strong enough to open them. 

Estate improvements: Thornhill House bicycle shelters

  • Cost: £5,000 from local Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Before the work, the bicycle parking at Thornhill House was full. The project has solved the issue with new bicycle parking options including wall-mounted and semi-vertical. Extra work included moving the old cycle stand outside of the shelter and installing several new individual Sheffield Stands. We also installed a repair stand with an integrated foot pump to help residents maintain their bikes.

Play space: Renewal of Barnard Park water play feature

The original water feature in Bernard Park had exceeded its expected life span and had ceased functioning properly. The work involved the replacement of the original play features, with an assortment of modern water play equipment. Additionally, work involve the upgrading of safety surfacing. The outcome of the project is the creation of a modern and safe space for children to play in hot weather.

Transport and public realm: Barnsbury Square

  • Cost: £97,348 from CIL admin

The scheme ensured the relaying of the pavement as per correspondence from residents to resolve potential trips and slip hazards.

Transport and public realm: Chapel Market

  • Cost: £22,072 from Planning (S106)

The scheme installed a new entry feature for Chapel Market and the Angel Business Improvement District (BID). To provide support for businesses located at the Upper Street end of Liverpool Road. Furthermore, the project delivered general improvements to help make the Market more of an attractor for visitors to the town centre. 

Transport and public realm: Barnsbury ward cycle parking

  • Cost: £10,000 from local CIL

The scheme will deliver bicycle parking at strategic locations throughout the ward, such as near shops, transport interchanges, public buildings. These new parking facilities will ensure that the public are able to secure their bikes and will help to support the growth of cycling in the borough. 

Transport and public realm: Hemingford Road/Lofting Junction zebra crossing

  • Cost: £8,750 from local CIL and £8,750 from Planning (S106)

The zebra crossing at the junction with Hemingford Road and Lofting Road does not satisfy current design standards. The proposal saw a buildout in Lofting Road to increase the distance between Lofting Road and the zebra crossing, thus allowing more time for drivers to react when exiting Lofting Road left towards pedestrians on the crossing.