Free school meals are not classed as a 'public fund' for immigration purposes and can be accessed by a child regardless of their immigration status when their family meets the qualifying requirements, or they are provided universally.
The Education Authority Northern Ireland is responsible for the provision milk, school dinners, and related provisions to children in attending state schools in Northern Ireland. Free school meals are available to eligible children.
A child or family will be eligible if:
Families with no recourse to public funds may still be able to access free school meals. The Education Authority’s guidance suggests that free school meals should be made available on humanitarian grounds where a child presents as ‘hungry’. Where a child who does not meet the eligibility criteria for free school meals is considered ‘in need’ then schools should refer the case to the Education Authority’s Education Welfare Service (EWS). Schools should provide free school meals while the EWS undertakes an assessment. See the Education Authority’s guidance for more information.
Applications for free school meals can be made via the Education Authority Northern Ireland, existing service users can apply via EA Connect. Applicants will be expected to provide supporting documents to demonstrate eligibility such as benefit letters.
Fore more information on free schools in Northern Ireland see the Education Authority’s website.