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  1. 1. Eligibility (years 3 and above)
  2. 2. Universal provision
  3. 3. Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme
  4. 4. Pupil premium
  5. 5. Scotland
  6. 6. Wales
  7. 7. Northern Ireland

Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme

The Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF) provides healthy food and holiday clubs for children and young people. During some of the school holidays, free places are available for children receiving free school meals. The scheme is funded by the UK government and the holiday clubs are organised by local councils in England. 

Children in primary or secondary schools who meet the free school meals eligibility criteria can access the scheme. Children who receive universal free school meals (such as those in reception, year 1 and year 2) would need to meet the free school meal eligibility criteria in order to access a free holiday club place.

Councils can also provide free access or subsidised places to other children. The holiday clubs may also be made available to any children who do not receive free school meals, but they would need to pay to attend.

Families would need to contact their local council to find out more about the holiday clubs that are available. 

Councils can refer to the Department for Education guidance about the Holiday Activity and Food Programme 2023. Although this guidance refers to children who receive 'benefits-related free school meals', children in households with no recourse to public funds who are receiving free school meals can also qualify for a free holiday club place.