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  1. 1. Who can apply

Who can apply

The Best Start scheme consists of five different payments which provide financial help for pregnant women, and parents of young children. The Best Start scheme is not a public fund for immigration purposes. 

The Best Start Foods grant is available to a person with no recourse to public funds. Other payments such as the Best Start Grant are usually not available to this group as they will not be in receipt of any of the qualifying benefits. However, where one of the child’s parents meets the eligibility criteria, the family will be able to access these payments and this will not cause a problem for a partner or child who is subject to a NRPF condition. 

Best Start Foods

Best Start Foods provides assistance with costs of buying healthy foods such as fruit and milk.
A parent can apply for a Best Start Foods grant when they become pregnant or up until their child is 3 years old. Grants are paid on a prepaid card every 4 weeks. The amount a person receives depends on the age of the child and is as follows:

  • £21.20 during pregnancy

  • £42.40 for each child from birth until one years old

  • £21.20 for each child who is aged between one and three years old

Who can apply

The Best Start Foods grant is available to a person who has low income and is in receipt of qualifying benefits. However, the scheme can also be available to a person with no recourse to public funds, including people seeking asylum, if they are on a low income and cannot access public funds. To be eligible, a person with NRPF must:

  • Have an income of less than £2086.00 a month after for couples

  • Have an income of less than £1763.18 a month for single adults

  • Be unable to claim public funds because of their immigration status 

How to apply

Applications for a Best Start Foods grant should be made to Social Security Scotland and can be made online, on the telephone or via paper application form. A person with no recourse to public funds will need to provide evidence of their immigration status, their income or how they are being supported, and their child’s birth certificate or ID. People seeking asylum may need to seek advice from Migrant Help about whether this would affect the amount of asylum support they receive.

Please see the Scottish government’s website for more information on applying for Best Start Foods.