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Find out about a social care needs assessment

A needs assessment is a meeting between you and a care professional to understand what type of support you may need to live independently.


What happens in the assessment

The assessment is not an exam, it’s more of a conversation where together we can talk about what’s going well and how things can be improved.

Your assessment can take place by phone, in person, at home or another place suitable for you. Someone like a friend or relative can also be present to support you if you want.

It will begin by getting to know you and your situation, and you'll take a leading role in telling us about a typical day or week for you, what’s important to you and what would make a difference to you.

Example questions could be:

  • Tell me about yourself – friends, family, hobbies, health, housing and money
  • What is your daily routine and what are you able to manage for yourself?
  • If some things are difficult, have you thought of how they could be made easier? E.g. telecare, equipment, learning a new skill, support from friends and family
  • What is your health like and how do you keep as well as possible?

The conversation will be different for everyone depending on their situation and priorities.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.