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Terms of reference for anti-social behaviour reviews

Community Trigger membership

  • Community Safety Team

  • Police

  • LBI and PFI Housing, and other Registered Social Landlords as required

  • Camden and Islington Foundation Trust (Mental Health Services)

  • Better Lives

  • Adult Safeguarding

  • Victim Support/Mediation Services

  • Out-of-Hours ASB/Noise Team

Members responsibilities

The Community safety Team co ordinates the anti-social behaviour review process and generally chairs, but will request another member to chair and respond to a referral where the complaint is primarily directed towards the Community Safety team.

Members are responsible for:

  • responding swiftly to requests for information to support assessment of new cases

  • responding swiftly to requests for availability and confirming meeting requests to ensure cases can be reviewed within the 21 day timeframe

  • attending meetings as required;

  • bringing any information, involvement, actions or case work carried out with a victim, witness or perpetrator to the anti-social behaviour review;

  • if there is an allocated professional working directly with any person referred to the CMARAC , then it is the responsibility of the representative agency to obtain necessary relevant information and bring it to the meeting;

  • adherence to and completion of set actions for the relevant agencies;

  • members will ensure that there is an identified pathway to escalate actions within their service where senior management input is required to problem solve and agree actions.

  • members will be responsible for communicating and progressing actions across teams within their service. 

Escalation and appeal

If the victim is dissatisfied with the decision on whether the threshold was met or the way in which a anti-social behaviour review has been carried out an appeal can be made to Community Safety team manager. A response to an appeal will be provided within 15 working days of the appeal being received.

Monitoring and review

The Community Safety Team will be responsible for providing monitoring reports to the ASB SIP Sub-Group about use of the anti-social behaviour review. Details will be published annually about the number of triggers received, how many met the threshold and the number that resulted in further action

Privacy notice

LBI will use the information you provide for the sole purpose of recording declaration and agreement to abide by the terms of the Information sharing agreement/Terms of reference. Information will be shared on a strict need to know basis with other organisations who have signed up to our Community Safety Information Sharing Protocol, and will be treated in the strictest confidence. For further information on how your data will be handled and retained, please refer to our full Privacy Notice.


Please complete the Declaration for the Terms of reference form, acknowledging that you have read the protocol and agree with the terms and conditions. 

Anti-social behaviour review form

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.