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Anti-social behaviour review information sharing agreement


This Information Sharing Agreement (ISA) defines the arrangements for the sharing and processing data between the organisations listed below (section 7.0) and sits underneath the overarching Community Safety Partnership Information Sharing Protocol V1.0 Final.

This agreement sets out the specific data sharing requirements, for the purpose as stated in 2.0, between the organisations listed in section 7.0. It will be reviewed on an annual basis. The date of this request is 01 November 2020, and the next review will take place on 01 November 2021.

Details of request

The anti-social behaviour review gives victims of persistent anti-social behaviour and hate incidents the right to ask for a multi- agency review of their case.

If the threshold for anti-social behaviour review is met a case review will be undertaken by relevant agencies to consider what action has previously been taken and decide whether there are additional actions that can be taken to reduce the anti-social behaviour (ASB). 

Agencies will share information relevant to the case and take joined up problem solving approach to find a solution for the victim.

Important Notice

The responsibility to take appropriate action rests with individual agencies; it is not transferred to the Panel. The role of the Panel is to facilitate, monitor and evaluate effective information sharing to enable appropriate action to be taken to increase public safety, whether by early intervention or enforcement. When a anti-social behaviour review takes place, it is made clear to all the partners attending, how they will share, store and manage any information that is discussed at the meeting. This is discussed below and in the anti-social behaviour review Information Sharing Protocol V1.0 Final.

Purpose of sharing information

Signatories to this agreement have a responsibility to share information and work together with the aim of reducing crime, ASB and victimisation, and ensuring community safety in the London Borough of Islington. The purpose of this agreement is to provide a process and mechanism whereby information relating to individuals and/or groups can be shared to aid and assist the working practices and objectives of all organisations.

The information collected will be recorded and discussed within the anti-social behaviour review and will form the basis of supporting the management of risk to vulnerable people and subsequent prevention of crime and disorder.

The information held will be personal and sensitive data, including names, addresses and histories of individual’s criminal activities and that of other household members, and/or status as a tenant or resident of Islington Borough. The agreement will therefore allow data to be shared for the purpose of:

  • the identification and prioritisation of vulnerable individuals, both victims and perpetrators of ASB

  • the identification of safeguarding issues relating to these individuals, increasing safety, health and wellbeing

  • partnership problem-solving approaches to tackling issues of managing the risk of vulnerable of victims and reducing repeat victimisation

  • identifying gaps in provision and recommending projects and approaches to tackle antisocial behaviour in Islington
  • improving agency accountability and improving support for staff involved in cases
  • construct jointly and implement a risk management plan that provides support to those at risk of harm

Information derived from all sources will be assessed for its reliability and validity to ensure meaningful conclusions can be drawn. It will also be used to assist with evidence gathering to enable appropriate support for residents and vulnerable victims, as well as ASB interventions to take place, including tenancy action and other enforcement.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.