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Anti-social behaviour review information sharing agreement

Information sharing request form

How the information will be processed, shared and stored

  • Only information relevant and proportionate to the risk management and support of the victim and perpetrator may be shared and processed by those organisations listed in section 7.0 through the anti-social behaviour review process. The decision as to what information is deemed ‘relevant and proportionate’ will be decided by the individual information owners in line with the anti-social behaviour review operating protocol.

  • Processing the data consists of the following: collecting, sharing, entering onto a database (see below), or sorting, saving, transferring, restricting and deleting data.

  • Due to new restrictions introduced by the United Kingdom Government around the Covid-19 pandemic, anti-social behaviour review meetings will take place online through either Microsoft Teams or Zoom for the foreseeable future. Careful case management procedures, outlined in the anti-social behaviour review operating protocol, are in place to ensure individual case information is only shared and processed by organisations working on that case and not any wider. For example break out rooms are used to ensure only organisations working on a particular case can see or hear about the case when it is being discussed.

  • A Data Protection Impact Assessment will be completed and signed off at the Information Governance Panel.

  • All parties signing this agreement must adhere to the following; 

  1. Information will only be shared through secure e-mail, either internally, using CJSM, or Egress with the organisations listed in section 7.0 or during meetings which will be held in a secure setting or through a secure online meeting.

  2. Data will only be stored on a secure network or on Microsoft SharePoint in the form of an Excel database, word processed documents or onto an approved (by the Metropolitan Police Authority and Local Authority) secure case management system such as E-Cins Multi-Agency Case Management System.

  3. Reports or content may not be printed under any circumstances and must always be marked ‘restricted’

  4. Only the job roles listed below in section 7.0 can handle and process the information

  5. The data will not be shared any further than the named roles in the organisations who have signed the agreement below in section 7.0

  6. The organisation listed below must have also signed and understood the Community Safety Partnership Information Sharing Protocol V1.0 Final

How long will the information be stored and how will it be destroyed?

If the information shared is not relevant to the receiving organisation, it will be immediately permanently deleted. A clear audit trail of any information shared and processed must be kept and maintained by both the sending and receiving organisation.

Information will be stored in accordance with the operational need of the requesting organisation’s operational need and subject to the archiving policy of the supplying organisation. Storage and disposal rules will be agreed between the supplier and the requesting organisations.

Privacy notice

LBI will use the information you provide for the sole purpose of recording declaration and agreement to abide by the terms of the Information sharing agreement/Terms of reference. Information will be shared on a strict need to know basis with other organisations who have signed up to our Community Safety Information Sharing Protocol, and will be treated in the strictest confidence. For further information on how your data will be handled and retained, please refer to our full Privacy Notice.

Organisations sharing information

Please complete the Information Sharing Agreement form. This agreement must be formally approved and signed by a lead person, with the necessary authority, for the organisations or service area listed below before any information sharing takes place. All parties will ensure that the Information Sharing Agreement and any associated documents are known and understood by all staff involved in the process.

Anti-social behaviour review form

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.