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Terms of reference for anti-social behaviour reviews

Referral process

The victim will receive acknowledgement of receipt of referral within five working days and an outcome confirming acceptance or to the anti-social behaviour review within 15 working days.

When a request for an anti-social behaviour review is received the Community Safety team will contact relevant partners to verify the details of the incidents the victim has identified and get greater detail around how these were responded to.

Responsible agencies will include Targeted or Intensive support team manager (housing), Neighbourhood Policing Inspector, Senior Lawyer (Litigation Team), ASB Team Leader (PFI), ASB Response Team (Public Protection) & Registered Social Landlord representative.

The Community Safety Team will carry out the assessment and decide on the basis of disclosure from partners, its own risk assessment and discussion with the resident whether the threshold has been met.

Where the case is assessed as having fallen below the threshold for alarm distress or harassment the relevant agencies will be contacted and asked to review their actions and respond to the victim.

A vulnerability risk assessment will also be carried out and the case will be signposted onto appropriate services for support.

If the case has been accepted for formal review, partners will have 21 days to share information relevant to the case and convene a case review panel comprising a representative from at least 3 of the key partners detailed above. Where appropriate, representatives from Camden and Islington MH Trust, and Victim Support will be involved in the review.

The panel will consider action taken by relevant agencies to tackle the report(s) of ASB. The case review may make recommendations for further intervention
A completed vulnerability risk assessment will be considered as part of the review.

Recommendations may be made to anybody that exercises public functions, and that body will have a duty to have regard to the recommendations. The review takes a problem-solving approach & does not seek to lay blame for any potential failings as would be the approach of a complaint investigation. There may be organisational learning as a result of the review.

The panel will aim to provide a full response to the victim within 28 days from acceptance of the case to the review process.
Where further actions are necessary an action plan will be discussed with the victim, including timescales. The panel will identify an appropriate lead officer for this discussion.

Anti-social behaviour review outcomes (April 20 –March 21) 

Number of applications for ASB case review received Number that did not meet the threshold Number of case reviews carried out Number of case reviews that received recommendations 
 27  9 18   18
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