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Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

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Employ local people

The key to a thriving local economy is its workforce - find out more about employing people, taking on apprentices and work placements in Islington.

We know that many employers are committed to making Islington a better place for those who work and live here. The Islington Working team can help you to recruit locally, and develop a flexible, diverse workforce with the right skills for your organisation. Email us on

  • Recruit a local workforce

    If you need to fill a vacancy, we can save you time and money and help you find good candidates for interview

  • Offer flexible and part-time roles

    Our recruitment and brokerage experts can support you develop more flexible opportunities to attract talented local people who are seeking a better work-life balance

  • Take on an apprentice

    Apprenticeships can help you harness new talent in your organisation and train people for all kinds of job roles

  • Work placements

    Work placements are short-term opportunities, either paid or unpaid, which help young people or those who have been out of the workplace for some time to develop skills and confidence.

  • Employing people with learning disabilities

    Find out how the Islington Supported Employment Team supports residents with a global learning disability on their journey to paid employment and works closely with local businesses to increase employment opportunities for them

  • Support for employees with health conditions and disabilities

    Help your workforce thrive with WorkWell, for a more inclusive workplace and stronger employee wellbeing

  • Support for employing refugees

    As a Borough of Sanctuary, we can support your business in welcoming, employing and supporting social integration to refugees in Islington

  • Linking your business with schools

    We can connect your business with schools to volunteer with young people to offer work placements, mentoring, careers advice and other forms of work inspiration to help them get the employability skills they need for the future.