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Employing people with learning disabilities

Find out how the Islington Supported Employment Team supports residents with a global learning disability on their journey to paid employment and works closely with local businesses to increase employment opportunities for them.

The Islington Supported Employment Team is a targeted employment support team, supporting residents with a global learning disability on their journey to paid employment. The team works closely with Islington businesses to increase employment opportunities and employment rate for Islington residents with a global learning disability who face barriers to employment.

What we offer employees

We offer a tailored employment support for people with global learning disabilities (GLD) through job coaching. People with a learning disability can also be dedicated and loyal employees, reducing staff turnover, while having them in the team can improve staff morale.

Research also suggests that positive public reactions to organisations that employ people with learning disabilities can lead to an increase in business.
We can support your business to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce and become a disability confident employer.

What we offer businesses

We can offer advice and guidance on:

  • accessible recruitment process
  • reasonable adjustments
  • Government-funded support
  • other information that will help you proceed with confidence.

We can provide support to your team when employing a person with learning disability. We will:

  • be the point of contact for the employee and employer (you can contact us for advice and guidance for the duration of the employment)
  • provide in-work support to the individual to settle in their new role which will take the pressure off of you
  • help the employee to understand their job offer, policies and procedures at work
  • offer support to settle the individual in their role and understand their roles and responsibilities.

How your business can help

Your business can help Islington residents with GLD on their pathway to employment collaborating with the ISET Team.

  • Offer work experience.
  • Work trial opportunities.
  • Carved roles - where an individual can successfully undertake most tasks in their job role but there may be an element of their duties which they are not able to complete.
  • Taster sessions.
  • Accessible recruitment process – for example, offer a task-based interview rather than the conventional face-to-face, question and answer style.
  • Reasonable adjustment where needed.
  • Offer flexible hours from two to 35 hours per week 

Find out more

There is lots of advice and information available to businesses employing disabled people. Contact us with any questions you might have on