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Linking your business with schools

We are committed to ensuring that all young people in Islington benefit from 100 hours experience of the world of work by the age of 16.

100 hours World of Work


Islington is a borough that is rich with opportunity, offering some of the best jobs in the world on our doorstep across virtually all sectors. The world of work is changing rapidly, driven by emerging technologies and an increase in automation, while a ‘job for life’ has been replaced by a more agile, dynamic career path. Despite the many advantages that Islington offers to young people, barriers including child poverty, overcrowding at home and family unemployment prevent many of them from benefitting from these opportunities. 

The Islington Fair Futures Commission called for more enrichment activity from an early age to ensure that young people are prepared for the world of work when they leave school. By introducing children to different jobs in the classroom and at workplaces we can build up key employability skills, challenge stereotypes and inspire young people to aim high when thinking about their futures.

100 hours World of Work ensures all young people in Islington have access to high quality careers experiences completely free of charge, enabling schools to put careers at the heart of students’ learning and development.

We are committed to ensuring that all children and young people in Islington schools will have access to the following opportunities:

  • career insights, workshops, workplace visits, mentoring, careers events, work experience placements and other activities.
  • inspirational talks delivered by range of employers and partners
  • employability workshops to help them develop the key skills that employers are looking for in today’s world of work

If your organisation would like to get involved and offer an activity, we want to hear from you! Our dedicated 100 hours World of Work team can help you to develop a meaningful careers activity and promote your offer to schools across the borough. Interested schools will book via our online portal, and we will liaise with you to arrange the activity, making the process as simple as possible for you.

100 hours World of Work is a policy commitment of Islington Council and is delivered in partnership with the Islington Community of Schools as well as a range of employers and partners in the borough.

All of the free opportunities that organisations are offering through 100 hours World of Work are available to Islington Schools in the Activity Menu.


For more information on 100 hours World of Work,

please email

or call 020 7527 1892