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My eAccount, payments and online forms unavailable - Sunday 9 March from 9am to 5pm

We will be doing important maintenance on our website from 9am until 5pm on Sunday 9 March. This means that you won't be able to use My eAccount, pay for services or fill in some online forms during this time.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 

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Support for abuse and safeguarding concerns

Everyone has the right to live a life free from abuse and safeguarding concerns. Find support here if you or someone you know is affected by abuse or safeguarding concerns, such as violence, domestic abuse, neglect, financial abuse, modern slavery, honour-based violence or female genital mutilation.

If you are worried about someone who may be at risk of abuse or harm, please complete the safeguarding concern form or contact the Adult Social Care first point of contact team on 020 7527 2299.

Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse is defined by the UK government as ‘any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can encompass, but is not limited to psychological, physical, sexual, financial, emotional.’ 

See more about domestic abuse and violence - and how to report it - on the website 

What to do if you experience domestic abuse or violence

You can find support and information through these organisations today. 

If someone is in immediate danger – call the police on 999 now.

Contact us

If you can’t find the support you need above, you can contact adult social services.

  • Telephone: 020 7527 2299
  • Minicom: 020 7527 6475

Female genital mutilation (FGM)

FGM is defined by the NSPCC as ‘the partial or total removal of external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. It's also known as female circumcision or cutting’

It’s illegal in the UK.

If there is risk of immediate harm, contact the emergency services on 999.

Information and support for FGM

Contact us

If you can’t find the support you need, you can contact us.

  • Telephone: 020 7527 2299 
  • Minicom number: 020 7527 6475

You can also contact the Children's Services contact team on 0207 527 7400 or email

Financial abuse

Financial abuse is defined as 'a way of controlling a person’s ability to acquire, use and maintain their own money and financial resources.'

Signs of financial abuse

  • stealing money from a partner
  • stopping people from using a bank account
  • using partner’s identity to receive benefits

How to get support for financial abuse

If there is risk of immediate harm, contact the emergency services on 999.

Contact us

Contact the Islington Council access and advice service.

  • Telephone: 020 7527 2299 
  • Minicom number: 020 7527 6475

Modern slavery

Modern slavery is defined by the NHS as ''the recruitment, movement, harbouring or receiving of children, women or men through the use of force, coercion, abuse of vulnerability, deception or other means for the purpose of exploitation.'

What to do if you're experiencing modern slavery

If you suspect, or you’re a victim of modern slavery, you can find support and information through these organisations.

Or you can call the Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700

Contact us

If you can’t find the information you need, contact us today.

  • Telephone: 020 7527 2299 
  • Minicom: 020 7527 6475

If you are worried about a child who is at risk, please contact Children's Services contact team on 0207 527 7400 or email


Neglect is when someone's care is poor or it doesn’t meet accepted standards.

Types of neglect in care

  • ignoring medical, emotional or physical care needs
  • failing to provide appropriate health, care and support or educational services
  • Withholding medication, adequate nutrition and heating.

Organisations who deliver care such as care homes, hospitals and care homes have to meet standards of care set by the Care Quality Commission.

How to identify neglect

Signs of neglect

  • looks dirty
  • hunger, underfed or losing weight
  • thirst or dehydration
  • untreated medical problems

More examples of neglect

  • bed sores
  • home, care home or hospital is dangerously cluttered, untidy or unhygienic
  • home not heated properly
  • not being given their medication
  • carers don’t follow medical advice

What to do about neglect

  • if neglect is happening through lack of experience or understanding of the carer, contact us to arrange training or an assessment.
  • if care staff deliver poor care, this can be improved by mentoring, staff training and disciplinary actions.
  • if you know someone is not being neglected at home, a care home or a hospital - please contact us today.

Contact us

If you have any questions or want to report neglect, please get in contact today. 

  • Telephone: 020 7527 2299
  • Minicom: 020 7527 6475


Self-neglect is behaviour that risks someone’s own health and welfare.

Signs of self-neglect

Adults have a right to choose the lifestyle they want. But when someone puts their health and wellbeing at serious risk, they may need support.

  • neglecting their personal hygiene or home cleanliness over a long time
  • hoarding
  • having poor diet and nutrition
  • repeatedly refusing access to health and social care staff
  • refusing treatment or medication

What to do if you suspect self-neglect

If you are worried that someone is neglecting themselves, you can get in touch with us today.

  • Telephone: 020 7527 2299 
  • Minicom number: 020 7527 6475

Historical and non-recent child abuse

Islington Council is working in partnership with Islington Survivors’ Network offering support to anyone who's experienced sexual, physical, emotional abuse or neglect in an Islington children’s home or foster care placement.

Download information about how Islington Council are supporting survivors of non-recent child abuse in Islington (PDF).

About the survivor support service

The survivor service is confidential, and you'll be be listened to and dealt with sensitively.

When you contact us, you'll get: 

  • support tailored to your individual requirements
  • help to access your files
  • access to psychological therapy services if needed.

Contact us

Further information