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Working with adults at risk

We work with professionals to help them provide the best services and care possible for residents. We provide information, training and support for professionals.

Policies and procedures

The Care Act 2014 sets out the legal framework for protecting adults at risk of abuse or neglect.

You can read more about the Care Act and safeguarding on the Department of Health website.

A London-wide safeguarding adults policy and procedure has also been agreed, which takes into account the Care Act. You can download the London policy and procedures from the bottom of this page. The London policies and procedures set out the guiding principles behind safeguarding adults, how we respond to reports of abuse and guidance and templates for professionals investigating abuse.

Every organisation should have a policy and procedure which sets out its own internal way of tackling abuse. Guidance on developing safeguarding adults policies and procedures can be found on the Department of Health website.

For guidance on how to promote safe recruitment practices in your organisation, download our 'Safer Recruitment' document in the link below. We also have a policy which sets out the council's policy on self-directed support and risk management.

People who work with adults at risk - Whistleblowing

Are you worried that a colleague or professional has abused or neglected a vulnerable adult? Perhaps you have seen that someone's care isn't good enough? Maybe you have noticed that the organisation you work for has poor practice which puts adults at risk?

It is important to report your concerns to your line manager. If you are unhappy with your manager's response, or you do not feel able to approach them, then please contact the Adult Social Care First Point of Contact team on 020 7527 2299.

Although you might feel worried about reporting your colleagues, remember it is difficult for some adults to report abuse themselves. They rely on you to help them.

For reassurance that you are doing the right thing, check your organisation's whistle-blowing policy. You can also contact Public Concern at Work for confidential advice. For more information about what standards of care a vulnerable adult should receive, see the Care Quality Commission's guidance.


If you are worried about someone who may be at risk of abuse or harm please complete our safeguarding concern form or call the Adult Social Care First Point of Contact Team on 020 7527 2299.