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Parking sign icon

Parking for disabled people and the Blue Badge scheme

How and where to park as a disabled person in Islington including applying for and renewing a Blue Badge, free resident permits and what to do if your Blue Badge is lost or stolen.

Lost or stolen Blue Badges

Protect your badge

Please buy a Blue Badge protector from a safe and reliable retailer to help stop someone stealing your badge.

Free parking permit to help protect your badge

Blue Badge holders can get a free resident parking permit so you don't need to display your Blue Badge in your vehicle while parked near your home. This should help protect your Blue Badge from thieves.

To get a free permit for Blue Badge holders, you must:

  • be a Blue Badge holder living in Islington
  • have a nominated vehicle that is your main mode of transport
  • give proof that the vehicle is registered to your home address. 

Read more and apply for a free resident parking permit from us.

Stolen badge

If your Blue Badge is stolen, you must report it to the police straight away. You can visit your local police station or call the non-emergency number 101.

The police will give you a crime reference number within two working days. We need this to confirm your badge has been stolen.

What you need to do for a replacement when the badge is stolen

To ask for a replacement Blue Badge if it's stolen, you must:

  • report your Blue Badge stolen to the police and get a crime reference number
  • fill in our online theft declaration form
  • where necessary, send us proof of repairs to the vehicle resulting from the theft.

Any false statement will lead to prosecution and upon conviction is subject to a fine of up to £100,000.

Once we have your completed form, we will process your request within 14 working days. It will take up to 10 days after we have told you we will send a replacement for your badge to arrive.

What to do while you wait for a replacement

You can't park your vehicle without a valid Blue Badge on display. You must find somewhere else to park your vehicle legally until you get your replacement badge.

Lost badges

If you have lost or misplaced your Blue Badge, do everything you can to find it first. If you still can't find your Blue Badge, we will have to decide whether to give you a replacement.

What you need to do for a replacement when the badge is lost

To request a replacement Blue Badge if it's lost, you must:

You will then be able to print out a certificate and the details you gave. Police don't take reports for lost items.

Any false statement will lead to prosecution and, upon conviction, is subject to a fine of up to £1,000.

Once we receive the completed declaration of loss form, we will process your request within 14 working days. It will take up to 10 days after we have told you we will send a replacement for your badge to arrive.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.