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Parking sign icon

Parking for disabled people and the Blue Badge scheme

How and where to park as a disabled person in Islington including applying for and renewing a Blue Badge, free resident permits and what to do if your Blue Badge is lost or stolen.

Apply for or renew a Blue Badge

To apply for or renew a Blue Badge, fill in an online form on GOV.UK, the Government website.

Apply now

If you need help to fill in online forms, contact us on 020 7527 6108 or email

How long you may wait for a decision

It can take us up to 12 weeks to decide if you can have a Blue Badge, but it could take longer.

If you are renewing your Blue Badge, apply as soon as you can before it expires. You can't park without a Blue Badge so if you have not got your new one, you will have to find another way to park legally.

Letting you know our decision

If you applied online, we will send an email saying your application was successful after we have processed it.

We also send a letter by special delivery containing the Blue Badge to every successful applicant. Usually, badges arrive within 10 working days of a successful application.

What to do if your application is rejected

We use Department for Transport guidelines for assessing your application. There is no formal right to appeal but we will reconsider some rejected applications.

We will tell you in writing the reason why your application was rejected for the scheme. We also tell you what you should do if you think we have made the wrong decision.

If you want us to reconsider your application, you must provide more evidence to prove your eligibility. When we get your new evidence, we will review your application. 

We try to review an application and give our decision within 12 weeks of your request, but it may take longer. How long it takes will depend on things like how easy it is to verify your new information or having to complete a mobility assessment for you.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.