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London Living Wage

Islington Council has been an accredited Living Wage employer since 2012

We pay all directly employed staff at least the London Living Wage and 98% of Islington contracts are now Living Wage compliant. We will continue to work towards becoming 100% compliant. We also use our buying power as a council to increase the number of people paid at least the London Living Wage in Islington.

We are working with local organisations of all sizes and in all sectors to increase the number of accredited employers in Islington. We are delighted that more than 300 local organisations have signed up and are likely to have made a difference to around 4,000 people.

Our living wage story so far

  • In June 2010, Islington Council launched a Fairness Commission to tackle poverty and inequality in the borough. This recommended that we should work towards becoming a Living Wage borough.
  • In March 2012, Islington became an accredited Living Wage council
  • 100% of Islington Council staff are now on at least the London Living Wage – including our apprentices
  • 98% of Islington Council contracts now pay at least the London Living Wage, including domiciliary care workers
  • The remaining 2% of contractors work in residential social care
  • This has benefited many black and minority ethnic or female employees. These include cleaners, security guards, grounds staff and school caterers.#
  • In 2016 we became a Living Wage Funder. This means we seek to ensure that all voluntary sector jobs which are wholly or partially funded by an Islington Council grant, pay at least the London Living Wage
  • In 2017, we became a Living Wage Landlord. We insist that all new tenants in the commercial properties let by the council commit to paying at least the London Living Wage to all their staff working in the buildings
  • We continue to use our planning powers to secure London Living Wage jobs and apprenticeships with large developers in Islington.
  • In 2021 Islington became north London's first borough to be accredited as a Living Wage Place.