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Making Islington a Living Wage Place

Islington Council is committed to working in partnership with local businesses and public sector organisations to make Islington a Living Wage Place

The London Living Wage is an independently set, voluntary hourly rate of pay, currently at £13.85. It's the minimum amount an employee needs to earn to provide a decent standard of living for themselves and their family.

We are proud to have been an accredited London Living Wage employer through the Living Wage Foundation since 2012.

Currently, more than 300 businesses across Islington are accredited as living wage employers - between them they employ around 4,000 Islington workers, all of whom earn at least the London Living Wage.

Islington Council has joined with key stakeholders from across the borough to form the Living Wage Action Group. Our three-year plan will focus on encouraging more local employers to see the benefits if the London Living wage.

Our aim is to double the number of Islington Living Wage employers by 2024 and ensure that even more staff are paid a fair wage for a good day’s work. 

Learn more about how the living wage has helped one of our team give back to the local community.