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Fairness and equality in Islington

In the Let's Talk Islington survey, participants were asked: "In your experience, to what extent do you agree or disagree that Islington is a fair and equal place for all who live here?"

Just under half (47%) of survey respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed that Islington was a fair and equal place, compared to 29% who agreed or strongly agreed.

 Response  Number of responses  Percentage of responses
 Strongly agree  125  8%
 Agree  333  21%
 Neutral  372  24%
 Disagree  392  25%
 Strongly disagree  329  22%
 Total  1561  100%


Opinions between different groups

  • Younger age groups and black, Asian and other ethnic groups were more favourable about equality in the borough.
  • Gay/lesbian residents, those with a disability and people in the highest and lowest income brackets had more negative perceptions.
  • There were no significant differences between males and females.

Why you thought Islington is not equal

The top reasons given for inequality were:

  • disparities, particularly income and wealth gaps
  • affordability and quality of housing
  • diversity, inclusion or lack thereof
  • low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs).

Respondents also mentioned safety, the environment, education and employment, but less often.

The most widespread reasons for inequality among those surveyed were disparities in income and wealth, opportunities, open space and services. This was raised by adults across the income spectrum and by some students, including those with special educational needs.

Students most often described inequality as the unfair or unkind treatment of others. They often related this to protected characteristics, most frequently mentioning race and ethnicity, disability and gender.

Community-powered solutions

In volunteer and community sector workshops, residents offered ideas on how to tackle inequality and improve the borough. All of these will be considered as part of our next steps in our Islington Together 2030 plan. If you have more suggestions, email us on

Community-powered solutions were also the main solution proposed by the Islington Inequality Taskforce.

  • Improved communication about activities, benefits and eligibility requirements.
  • Translate information into other languages and provide access to interpreters, offer more English classes.
  • Improve coordination across council teams between council and resident groups.


  • Place someone with a disability within the housing team.
  • Hire local repair firms who are more invested in the area.
  • Conduct greater oversight of private landlords, improve tenant protection, and create higher standards for housing inspections. 

Community and support 

  • More community activities and events where people can interact, where people with different types of disabilities share issues that are most important to them, and timed so that people who work during the day can also attend.
  • More mental health support, including drop-in sessions and in-school counsellors.
  • More groups, better employment opportunities and work experience for teenagers so they have alternatives to gangs. 
  • More accessible facilities and events including in hospitals, GPs and shops: easy-read signs and menus, accessible seating, well-maintained disabled toilets. 
  • Reduce the cost of space hire for community groups.
  • Create quiet/sensory parks.  
  • Incentivise people to report crimes by offering rewards.