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Let's Talk Islington

Let’s Talk Islington aims to work with our communities to fundamentally change the way we work to tackle inequality for the next decade.

From November 2021 to August 2022, we met, talked with, listened to and received feedback from a wide range of people living and working in Islington. From this work, we tried to understand residents’ perceptions and experiences of inequality and their priorities and hopes for Islington.

You can read about our findings on these web pages, with the full Community Engagement Report published and available for download in the 'useful documents' section. This includes lots of evidence, resident quotes and data that you can read and use as needed.

If you have any questions about anything contained in this section, please email:

  • What we did

    How Let's Talk Islington engaged with residents between November 2021 and April 2022 to help improve life in our borough

  • What you said

    Read more about what participants said and did when they met, talked to and discussed with Let's Talk Islington

  • Inequality Taskforce

    Meet the Inequality Taskforce and find out their recommendations for the borough to help make it equal for all

  • What happens next

    Let's Talk Islington is now complete but what we have learned from it will inform our Islington Together 2030 plan

  • Let's Talk Islington site

    We’ve launched a new site to make it easier for you to continue to have your say on local issues. Take a look and let us know what you think.