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Let's Talk resident feedback

As well as talking about inequality and the aims of residents for the borough, people of all ages and backgrounds agreed on other strong themes like different perceptions of inequality, large differences in income and wealth affecting opportunities, services and treatment of others, housing, safety, and the environment.

Residents also raised a wide range of other issues affecting their lives including pride in Islington’s inclusiveness and diversity, concerns about affordability, health and wellbeing, employment, and education. You wanted more say in what the council does as well as more action from the council and more responsive services. People of all ages offered ideas on how to tackle inequality and improve the borough. 

Read more about what participants said and thought were the most important issues for the borough when they engaged with Let's Talk Islington.

You can download and read the full report from 'useful documents' at the bottom of the page.

  • Fairness and equality in Islington

    Let's Talk was set up to find out whether residents think the borough is fair and equal for all - this is how you responded

  • Key themes

    Let's Talk Islington also focused discussion and gathered opinions on nine key themes that affect everyone in the borough

  • Survey responses

    Statistics on responses to the Let's Talk surveys for all and people who work with young people, open Nov 2021 and May 2022

  • Group discussions

    The Let's Talk team met students and voluntary and community sector organisations to discuss how to improve Islington

  • Creative projects

    A range of creative projects for different groups, from puppetry workshops to storytelling, informed our understanding of inequality.