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Information for professionals working with drugs and alcohol

Advice and information on referring someone to treatment services, and training if you work with people affected by drugs and alcohol.

Reporting local drug information, overdoses and deaths

Report information about any dangerous drug through the Islington Local Drug Information System. This includes:

  • contaminated, potent or adulterated drugs
  • non-fatal overdoses
  • drug-related deaths

We use the information to build intelligence about new, potent, adulterated or contaminated drugs. The Public Health team and Drug and Alcohol Service providers review every submission and use a risk-assessment process to develop an appropriate response. This may include an alert to the public and specific harm reduction and overdose prevention initiatives.

Reporting drug-related harm and local intelligence of dangerous drugs helps trigger action to reduce further risk and prevent harm to others.

Report local drug information, overdoses and deaths

For advice or any questions, please email

The Local Drug Information System is a monitoring process, if you are concerned about an individual’s wellbeing or current risk of overdose, please refer them to a treatment service.

Refer someone to treatment services

You can refer someone to free treatment services in Islington. You must have the person's consent to make a referral, including people under the age of 18.


Get Let's Talk Drugs and Alcohol training to build your confidence and knowledge to have meaningful conversations about substance use so that you can support people using drugs and alcohol.

Anyone in Islington can sign up including: Police, health and care practitioners, commissioned services, voluntary, community and faith-based organisations and social enterprises, and council staff.

Advice and information

Read advice on helping someone with drug or alcohol problems.