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Treatment services for drugs and alcohol

Over 300,000 people get help for drug and alcohol problems in England every year. You are not alone. Whether you want to cut down or stop your use of alcohol and drugs, you can get support free of charge.

Treatment services

You can refer yourself to these services, or you can ask someone else to make a referral for you. You could ask a family member, your GP, a housing officer, or a social worker.

Adults aged 18 and over

Better Lives is the main drug and alcohol service for adults in Islington. Better Lives offer free and confidential treatment and support for people and families affected by drugs and alcohol. There are a range of treatment options including self-help, psychological support, medical detox, and residential rehabilitation. Better Lives will help you find what's right for you.

Children and young people aged 12-21

Islington Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service offers support for young people aged 12 to 21 who live, study or work in Islington and want free, confidential advice about drugs and alcohol. Specially trained staff can give one-to-one support, by sharing advice and information about substances or exploring your experiences and developing a tailored plan to take forward. 

Adults of Black African, Caribbean or mixed heritage ethnic background

Support When It Matters (SWIM) specialise in support for adults of Black African, Caribbean or mixed heritage ethnic background. They offer holistic support for people who are in contact with the criminal justice system and want to cut down or stop using drugs or drinking alcohol.

Other support

Getting or keeping a job

IPS Into Work is a free and confidential support service with a dedicated team to help you build your skills through training and work experience, find paid work or help if you’re at risk of losing your job.

People at risk of homelessness

Inroads can support people sleeping rough or who are vulnerably housed. Inroads works with people for 12 weeks to prepare them for treatment. When the person is ready, they will help them get ongoing treatment and recovery support through Better Lives.