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Bike parking on estates

Learn about the types of bike parking available on estates for both residents and visitors, plus how to request parking.

On council estates in Islington, we have provided over 300 covered bicycle storage facilities for residents, securely accommodating over 3,000 bikes, and over 100 locations have Sheffield stands, offering parking for over 840 visitor bikes.

These are for adult bicycles and bicycles designed for children aged ten and over.

Resident bicycle parking on estates

The types of bike parking you can get on an estate include:

  • hangars: secure private space with room for six bikes
  • shelters: secure private space, various designs and sizes
  • rooms: secure private rooms
  • lockers: individual secure bike lockers.

Visitor bicycle parking

  • Sheffield stands: each stand can accommodate two bikes.

Request bicycle parking on your estate 

To request the bicycle parking on your estate, please complete the online application form.

Apply for bicycle parking on your estate

Pay for your estate bicycle parking

Contact us

To suggest a new bike storage facility on your estate, email