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Bike parking on a street

If you ride a bike in Islington, you have a number of options of where and how to park it.

Types of bike parking

Read about bike parking on estates.

Sheffield stands

These are traditional tubular bike stands. These can be fitted on pavements.

To request a Sheffield stand facility on a pavement (public highways), please email Availability is dependent on suitability and funding.

Bike hangar

Using a bike hangar

  • A bike hangar is a secure bike storage unit you can use if you can't store your bike at home. We have over 400 bike hangars on public roads across Islington, providing more than 2,400 spaces.
  • Bike hangars are accessed by a key and you will share the space with five other people.
  • Can store six bikes securely - dimensions are length 2,550mm x  height 2,030mm x depth 1,325mm.
  • Most bicycles fit inside the bike hangar, however it is not recommended for cargo bikes and some accessories such as child seats and front baskets may not fit.

Bike hangar terms and conditions


  • A space costs £107.25 a year to rent and there is a refundable key deposit of £27.75.
  • If your bike does not fit, you have 28 days to return the keys for a full refund.
  • Once payment is received we aim to send the key within five working days however it can take up to 15 business days to arrive. Subscription start dates are assigned at least a day after confirmation of delivery.

What to do if you lose your key

  • If you lose your key, please email as soon as possible.
  • Replacement keys cost £27.75 and must be paid for in advance. New keys take a minimum of three working days to be processed and posted to you.
  • You can't use your original key deposit to cover the cost of your replacement key.

Risk of theft

  • Your bike is parked in bike hangars at your own risk.
  • We're not responsible for the loss, damage and theft of bicycles, locks or other items stored in the bike hangar units.
  • We do not provide any insurance and we advise you to check with your insurance provider to see if the policy covers bike theft and/or damage.
  • We recommend that you lock your bike using a heavy duty lock that is Sold Secure rated, as well as a robust chain or cable. 

Cancelling your bike hangar space

  • If you decide no longer need your bike hangar space, please contact with your request to cancel.
  • Subscriptions are annual and non-refundable. Key deposits will be refunded within 28 days of cancellation once we have received your key.

How we allocate hangar spaces

  • Bike hangar spaces are allocated on a first come, first served basis depending on how close you live to the hangar.
  • We also consider whether you have access to secure internal space or a back garden, and if you need to use stairs. If your closest hangar is full, you can still apply and be placed on a waiting list until a space becomes available or you can inform us of any other locations you would consider. 
  • You can book one space per resident.
  • You will be designated a space which is identifiable by letter.
  • Passing your keys on to another resident is not permitted. Any misuse of the space will mean we cancel your subscription and ban you from using the service.

Location of new bike hangars

  • Council officers decide where new bike hangars are located based on demand.
  • Before making a decision on installations, we launch a resident consultation first and consider all resulting feedback. 

How to get bike parking near you

Availability depends on suitability, funding and public consultation. If you’re interested in bike parking on your street, please complete this form.

Request a bike hangar space

Contact us

If you have any questions, have lost your keys, or want to cancel your bike hanger subscription, please email