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Street sign and cone icon

Conditions of licence for cranes

Conditions of applying for and using a crane licence.

  • The works are carried out entirely at the applicant’s risk. Islington Council has no liability for the works or the maintenance of the works (either now or in the future) and has no liability for damage caused to private property by the works.
  • As the applicant you agree to indemnify Islington Council from and against all actions in law or equity, damages statutory of common law, losses, costs, charges and expenses arising in any manner whatsoever out of the transportation, erection, dismantling and/or use of the above mentioned equipment or machinery whether by means of defect (latent or otherwise) in the said equipment or machinery pursuant to the authority of Islington Council above referred to or out of the applicant’s operations of which the use of the equipment or machinery as aforesaid forms part.
  • The appliant must read the Code of Practice 3010:1972 and BS7121, Part 1,1989: both of which refer to “Safe Use of Cranes” and are published by the British Standards Institute.
  • All traffic management must be in accordance with chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual.
  • Safe access, around the works, must be provided for pedestrians.
  • The applicant must have public liability insurance to indemnify against all actions in law or in equity, damages statutory or common law losses, costs, charges and expenses arising in any manner whatsoever from the undertaking of the works.
  • The applicant must comply with to any reasonable instructions given by any authorised officer of the council, in particular with regard to Health and Safety.
  • This permit is issued for the purposes of section 137 of the Highways Act 1980, but does not relieve the applicant from compliance with any other part of that Act, or any other Act, by laws, statutory provision or Regulation that may apply.
  • It is your responsibility to provide the approved Traffic Management Signing Lighting Guarding and barriers and make sure that any alternative route is adequately signed and approved in advance by Islington Council’s streetworks team.

If you have any questions, please contact