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Rubbish bins icon

Recycling and rubbish container guide

Which containers to use for your recycling and rubbish.

Wheelie bins

We don’t provide or sell wheelie bins for households.

If you buy a wheelie bin privately, you must:

  • have a storage area of hard-standing for the bin(s) in the front garden of your property near to the boundary with the pavement. The bin cannot be stored on the public highway 
  • have a storage area at ground level. Wheelie bins will not be collected from basements or moved up or down steps 
  • have clear access for our collection vehicle with a drop-kerb nearby 
  • only buy a bin with either a 240 litre or 360 litre capacity in order for us to collect it 

  • only buy a bin that complies with British Standard BS EN 840: 1997

  • put your property address on the bin  

  • have a green bin if it is for recycling and grey/black bin for rubbish

    to make it is clear which is which.

If you’d like a sticker saying “Recycling only” for your recycling bin, please email with your postal address. 

The normal dimensions of wheelie bins are:

Capacity (litres) 240 litres 360 litres
Width 575mm 625mm
Length 730mm 890mm
Height 1060mm 1120mm

Please note: wheelie bins dimensions can vary according to the manufacturer and the dimensions above are a guide only.

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