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Planning document icon

Spending Developer Contributions

Developer contributions ensure that development impacts in Islington are mitigated and sufficient infrastructure is provided. Planning Obligations (S106) and Community Infrastructure Levy collected by Islington help to fund projects that improve infrastructure, deliver affordable housing, and create new opportunities for local communities.

Community Plans

Local projects that have been funded or may be funded are set out in ward level Community Plans which are overseen by ward councillors.

More information on how to get involved and what projects are happening near you is on the Community Plans webpage.

Infrastructure Funding Statements

The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) is an annual report, as required under the Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2019. The IFS provides details on array of projects that have been or will be funded through developer contributions.

Developer contributions data 

Full developer contributions data for 2023/24.

This data is provided under the Open Government Licence.

Infrastructure Delivery Plan

The infrastructure update report aims to support the Local Plan and provide an up to date assessment of the infrastructure needed to support planned new development in Islington. The report provides an update to both the October 2009 Islington Infrastructure Delivery Plan which supported the Core Strategy 2011 and the evidence which supported the adoption of Islington Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 2014.

Read the Islington Infrastructure Delivery Plan – Update report 2019.