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Islington Local Plan

Information about the Islington Local Plan, the borough's foundation for planning decisions and future developments in Islington.

Islington’s new Local Plan was adopted on 28 September 2023. The new Local Plan consists of three elements: the Strategic and Development Management Policies, Site Allocations, and Bunhill and Clerkenwell Area Action Plan. The versions of these documents that were adopted by full council are below.

The final designed and accessible versions look a little different to the previous versions of the adopted documents and are more user-friendly. These are now available below.

North London waste plan

The NLWP is now part of each borough’s Development Plan, alongside the London Plan, and is a key planning policy document for the determination of planning applications for waste development in North London. The purpose of the NLWP is to provide enough land for the sustainable development of waste facilities that are of the right type, in the right place and provided at the right time to enable North London boroughs to meet their waste management needs.

Documents related to the Local Plan

Archive policy documents

The new Local Plan replaces the four documents that made up Islington’s previous Local Plan: Core Strategy, Development Management Policies, Site Allocations and Finsbury Local Plan. You can access the documents that made up the previous Local Plan below for reference only.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Local Plan, or if you have any problems accessing the documents, contact the Planning Policy team on Adopted Local Plan evidence base documents are available on request.