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Some online forms unavailable

My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


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Temporary structures

Complete the temporary structure application form for short or long-life structures, or ‘untypical’ independent structures.

Application information

Complete the temporary structure application for short or long-life structures, or ‘untypical’ independent structures, under Section 30 of The London Building Acts (Amendment) Act, 1939 as amended by The Building (Inner London) Regularisations 1985.

This includes structures such as: marquees for public events; free-standing wind turbines; free-standing walls or fences exceeding six feet in height; free-standing chimneys and masts; lighting towers; and elevated un-roofed grandstands at sports grounds. 

Use the application form for building notice, full plans or regularisation applications. 


We will provide you with details of how to pay online once we have processed your application form.

Fees for Section 30 structures - VAT is not payable

  • £413.00 New Application
  • £135.00 Additional hourly rate
  • £135.00 Temporary Structure Extension/Continuation of License (Admin Charge) where only the duration has changed

Fees for inflatable structures - VAT is not payable

  • £300.00 Inflatable structure over 12 x 12 feet
  • £135.00 Additional hourly rate

Apply now