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Exempt Work

The following list gives the more common types of building work which are exempt from the building regulations. The list does not include all exempt buildings and work.

Exempt small detached buildings

  • A detached single-storey building at ground level with a floor area less than 30m sq , which has no bedrooms and no point of the building is within than one metre of the neighbours boundary; or the building is mainly built of materials which don't catch fire easily.
  • A detached building with a floor area less than 15m sq. which has no bedrooms

These exemptions cover detached garages, detached summer house and timber sheds.

Exempt additions to a building by adding at ground level

  • a conservatory, porch, covered yard or covered way
  • a carport which is open on at least two sides

The floor area of this type of structure must be less than 30m sq. For a conservatory or porch which is wholly or partly glazed, the glass must meet the requirements of Building Regulation Part N1 - (glazing - material and protection).

Note: an exempt conservatory must be separated from the remainder of the house by a wall, door or window ie by leaving the existing external walls/doors, windows in place.

Other works and matters not controlled by Building Regulations

  • vehicle crossovers, these are controlled by the council's highways department
  • hoarding, scaffold and skip licenses, these are obtained from the highways department.
  • erection of boundary fence and boundary walls (under 2m in height), these are not controlled by building regulations, but may be controlled by planning legislation and you are advised to check with the council’s planning department
  • damage to adjoining private property, this is a civil matter and is not controlled by building regulations. If the party wall etc act applied to the works being undertaken, then action may be taken by the owner of the property.
  • new driveway or patio area, these are not controlled by building regulations unless there are alterations to drainage, but you are advised to check with the council’s planning department.