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Some online forms unavailable

My eAccount and payments are now working as normal following essential website maintenance.

Some online forms are still unavailable, but we're working hard to get these back online.

If you can't do what you need to, try again later. We're very sorry if you are affected by this essential work. 


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Customer Care

Customer care

Islington Building Control is committed to ensuring that our customers receive an excellent service.  We value any feedback from our customers as we consider this key to improving our service and your customer experience.

If you have any feedback on our service please email:


“Good long-term, working relationships are vital on lengthy and complex projects. I like the fact that Islington has a competent, professional team on hand to keep projects running smoothly.”
Nick Morris, Groveworld Ltd

“With Islington’s service, you know you’ll get a thorough approach and that you won’t get problems or nasty surprises down the line.”
Tom Tasou, Tasou Associates