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Visitor e-vouchers information

How to register for, buy and use visitor e-vouchers that let your visitors park near your home in Islington.

Restrictions and free vouchers for zone C and K

Private and estate parking

You can't use e-vouchers in private parking areas or on housing estates.

Estate tenants can buy e-vouchers for their visitors to park on street resident parking bays in their zone. Read more about parking on housing estates.

Zone C free parking visitor e-vouchers

You must book free visitor vouchers for any visitor parking on:

  • Monday to Friday - 6.30pm to 8.30am
  • Saturday - midnight to 8.30am and 1.30pm to midnight
  • Sunday - midnight to 6am.

There are no parking restrictions on Sunday between 6am and 11.59pm so you don't have to book a free session then.

Zone K free parking visitor e-vouchers

You must book free visitor vouchers for any visitor parking on:

  • Monday to Friday - 6.30pm to 8.30am
  • Saturday - all day
  • Sunday - all day.
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