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Trees and communal gardens

All shared gardens, trees and grassed areas on estates are cut and pruned by the council's Grounds Maintenance Service. Estate Services staff will check this work to make sure that landscaped areas on estates are kept to a good standard.

Grass cutting

Grass should be maintained between 20mm and 40mm at all times. During periods of inclement or dry weather, grass cutting can be suspended. Bulb areas will be cut down from 1 June. Summer meadow areas receive one cut a year in September to a height of 50mm and all cuttings removed.

Shrub maintenance

All shrubs must be pruned when necessary to maintain them within the site boundary. The time of year when this can be carried out may depend on the species.


Tree pits will kept clear of established weed. All epicormic growth (tree suckers) to be removed to a height of 3 metres. Low branches overhanging hard standing areas lifted to 2 metres.

Expert arboriculture (tree) works are carried out by Greenspace and are not part of the Grounds Maintenance Service.

Islington Council pays Greenspace to inspect and maintain all our estate trees. Greenspace surveys estate trees every three years. From this survey a schedule of planned works is established and completed on estate trees.

Greenspace will prune trees if:

  • They are adversely affecting a property
  • The health of the tree or surrounding trees is affected

Greenspace will not prune trees because of:

  • A tree obscuring light to a window
  • Mess being caused by insects or birds
  • Interference with satellite dish reception
  • Excessive leaf fall
  • Problems associated with pollen


The Grounds Maintenance Service removes leaves from grassed areas and shrub beds. Caretakers clear hard standing areas and paths. We spray hard standing areas to kill weeds and ensure that these areas are kept weed free.

Contact information

If you have any complaints, comments or compliments about our work, please contact Housing Services.

Private gardens

If your home has a private garden, it is a condition of your tenancy that you look after it and keep it tidy and free from rubbish. If you are disabled or an elderly person and would like to know if you can get help with this, contact Housing Services.