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Thriving Neighbourhoods

Thriving Neighbourhoods is an annual three-year, investment programme that aims to transform shared spaces on estates and their immediate vicinity across Islington.

After the first round opened for applications in September 2022, more than 200 projects were allocated funding by the council. These projects included work to improve playgrounds, community centres, storage, recycling facilities, sports pitches and more. The scheme is working to make the borough’s estates cleaner, greener, more child-friendly and generally better places to live. 

We recently concluded a second round of engagement to ask for more suggestions for how funding could be allocated. The online form is now closed. 

All the eligible ideas will be considered by council officers and Cllr Una O'Halloran, Executive Member for Homes and Communities. Final decisions will be announced in May 2024.

We will start to deliver programme 2 projects from autumn 2024 onwards.

For more information about the programme, see some examples of completed works on our projects page.


If you have any questions regarding your suggestions for improvements, email

Is there a limit to the number of suggestions I can make?

Whilst we appreciate that there may be lots of improvements needed on our estates, we request that residents and residents’ groups send a maximum of 5 suggestions per estate. Each suggestion must be put through as a separate form each time.

What types of Projects were approved during the first round of funding?

To date we have delivered over 100 projects including upgraded play areas, community gardens, recycling upgrades, cycle storage, resurfacing and accessibility improvements.

Who can make suggestions?

Anyone who lives on an Islington Council estate, is part of an Islington estate based Community centre committee or works for the council.

Will there be any recharges to residents?

No, there will be no recharges to residents. Some projects may incur ongoing maintenance costs in future years.

Is this a grant scheme?

No, Islington Council will manage all of the successful projects.

Will residents be consulted with?

Successful projects will be subject to further notification, engagement and consultation with residents on the estate. If the project is a fairly low-level project such as an upgrade of something already in place, then residents will receive a letter to advise them that the improvement has taken place or will be taking place and the timescales.

Medium to larger level projects such as a complete playground revamp, the repositioning of recycling bins, new landscaping or the change of use of a facility (e.g. a disused ball court being changed to a communal gardening area) will require a full consultation process, including letters, options, and resident meetings/focus groups. Many of these consultations will be available to access on our engagement site, Let's Talk Islington.


How do I make a suggestion?

Complete the suggestion form and don't forget to press submit!

What type of improvements can I suggest?

There is a menu of options to choose from. As this is a capital improvement programme the funding can only be used for communal improvements such as upgraded play areas, improved accessibility, upgraded recycling and more!

Residents are particularly encouraged to suggest projects that promote community cohesion, encouraging people to come together, and enhance both mental and physical wellbeing. Suggestions for new seating and other improvements that will help residents with unpredictable weather patterns due to climate change are also encouraged.

I do not have access to a computer - can I still make a suggestion?

You can request a paper copy by emailing the team on or calling 020 7527 7471 and leaving a message for a call back about the form.

I don't live on a council estate - can I still make a suggestion?

This funding is restricted to council estates and the immediate vicinity around them, and some council managed street properties with communal areas e.g. gardens.

What things can't I make suggestion for?

This funding cannot be used to fund projects or activities. We won’t fund works to individual flats including upgrades to windows. We also won't fund signage for individual estates.

It can only be used for communal capital improvements which provide a communal benefit. In Programme 2, we are looking for projects that help promote community cohesion on estates. 


How to apply guidance

How to apply guidance

The following information is to help you answer the questions on the suggestion form. If you need any more help get in touch. 

Answer all the questions marked with an * asterix. Include your name and contact details, including your telephone or mobile number, as we may need to speak to you to discuss the details of your idea.

Are you applying as a group or an individual?

Tell us if you are applying as an individual (not a member of a group or organisation). If you are a resident and you work for Islington Council, please tick the option that is most relevant, e.g. applying as a resident if you live on an estate.

Please tell us if you are applying on behalf of a local community group or organisation and include the name of the group. You must hold an official position in the group/organisation, e.g. Chair, member of staff or board member. 

Have you applied for Thriving Neighbourhoods funding before?

Please let us know of you have applied for funding previously.

Estate where the suggested improvement is

Please put the full name of the estate where the improvement is based

Ward where the estate is based or near to

The ward boundaries in Islington changed in May 2022. You can find out what ward you live in, or what ward your suggested improvement is in, on our website. Enter the postcode and address and you will see a list of options, click on 'Ward and councillors' and you will see the ward.

What improvement would you like to put forward?

Please tick the appropriate option.

Please add a brief description (no more than 300 words) of your suggestion for improvement e.g. increased bike storage, improved play facilities including equipment for children with disabilities, new and improved recycling bins with disabled access, new outdoor seating and landscaping

Please upload any supporting photos of the proposed improvements if you have them. Documents should not exceed 40MB.

Any additional information you can provide with your suggestion really helps us understand the project in more detail.

How did you hear about the Thriving Neighbourhoods Programme?

Please tick as many as apply.