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How we are looking after your estates and neighbourhoods

Find out more about what we do to look after your estates and neighbourhoods.

We aim to make sure your estates are clean, safe, and pleasant places to live and work. We try to give you a decent environment to live in that is fair and affordable.

Our Estate Services manage the shared areas in more than 2,000 purpose-built blocks, some of which form the more than 300 estates across the borough. The shared areas inside and outside our housing blocks are sometimes called communal areas.

Who does what and contact details

Estate Services area teams

There are four Estate Services Teams, each led by an Estate Services Area Manager.

If you live in a council block or estate that we manage and have a question or issue with your estate services, you can contact your Estate Services Area Manager.

It is important you give your address when you contact us so we can get you to the right team.

We'll have a map of the four areas soon.

Caretaker services

There are 214 caretakers who work in one of the four area Estate Services teams. Caretakers aim to clean communal areas to a high standard and report any safety issues they come across.

To cover holiday or anyone off sick, there are 19 mobile relief caretakers and a paired-working system (where each caretaker has a colleague with the same skills) to cover shorter term leave from duties and training. At the weekends, the service is limited to larger blocks and estates.

How we charge for caretaker services

If you are a tenant, you pay a share from a pool of charges for caretaker services and estate maintenance across the borough. 

If you are a leaseholder, you just pay for caretaker services and estate repairs for your block.

Estate management

Estate services coordinators and quality assurance officers provide support and direct management to the caretaker. These officers are also involved in the schedule of inspections to ensure that these services meet a high standard, including in safety:

Your block will be inspected at least once every two months to confirm that these standards are met and any problems are solved. 

Security and fire safety

Estate Services and our caretakers make sure there is clear access to shared areas for emergency services every day. We also make sure utility rooms and areas are safe and secure, stop unauthorised access and remove or forbid flammable items from being stored in communal spaces.

How we performed in 2023/24

We use a system of A to D to grade caretaking standards. Quality assurance inspections are carried out, and grades are awarded for a block as a whole rather than a specific area within a block or inspected area.

89.8% of estate cleaning inspections graded A or B-. Our target was 90%.

Estate Services records performance measurements to understand how well we deliver services. If you would like to receive copy of your block assessment, contact 020 7527 5300 or email

Find out more about what the different grades mean in our Caretaking Quality Assurance Manual.