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Housing Allocations Policy

Tell us what you think about our proposed changes to the Housing Allocations Policy

This consultation has ended

Start date 20 January 2023
End date 17 March 2023

We are consulting on our Housing Allocations Policy. Every local housing authority is required to have a Housing Allocation Policy. The policy explains who has priority for social housing in Islington.

We have made some changes to our allocations policy to make the system fairer and reflect the current housing need in the borough. We would like to know what you think about these proposed changes. 

The full draft Housing Allocations Policy and the proposed scheme changes documents can be downloaded from the Useful Documents section on this webpage. Please read this information and then take the survey to tell us what you think of these proposed changes. There is a survey for residents and a survey for partners, please select the appropriate survey.

Take survey - resident

Take survey - partner

If you would like a hard copy (paper copy) of the survey please write to: Housing Needs and Strategy, 222 Upper Street, London N1 1XR


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