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Bingfield Park

This consultation has ended

Start date 15 March 2021
End date 26 April 2021

Following feedback on the consultation on this page we are currently undertaking a follow-up consultation on improvements to Bingfield Park until 11 March. 2022.

Bingfield Park February/ March 2022 consultation

2021 Bingfield Park Consultation

Rebuilding a fairer Islington in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic by tackling the climate emergency and investing in more green projects is at the heart of Islington Council’s investment plans. To create a greener, healthier borough, we’re spending £6.9 million over the next 2 years to improve our parks by installing new facilities and features for the whole community to use. Around £755k has been secured in funding for Bingfield Park and includes S106, mainstream capital and We Are Cally contributions.

‘We are Cally’ is an exciting project aimed at creating new opportunities, improving local facilities and unlocking the potential in the Cally. To achieve this we’re working on a number of projects that will help us deliver our ambitions and give the Cally a fairer future including improving the Jean Stokes Community Centre, creating a youth employment hub at West Library and making major improvements to Bingfield Park.
You can find out more about the programme at

Improving Bingfield Park

We are planning improvements to Bingfield Park and want to know what residents think of the design options presented on this page. We want the park to be used by as many local people as possible and meet the needs of different users. Please give feedback on these designs and let us know what you think. 

The designs are at an early stage and we would like your feedback. We will be holding online presentations of the design options during the engagement period which will offer you an opportunity to ask questions and put forward suggestions.

These plans will make the park better for park users by:

  • Improving entrances and first impressions of the park by making the park more welcoming. We want users to feel invited in to the park and the better landscaping around the entrances will help achieve that. 
  • Improving play equipment for younger children and formal and informal sports especially for teen sport and exercise.
  • Increasing biodiversity and the parks nature features by adding new planting and maintenance regimes.
  • Integrating the east to west walking and cycle route into the overall masterplan for the park.
  • Finding a design solution for the Crumbles Castle building by exploring how the castle can fit into the overall design of the park and provide a legacy for part of the structure.

We have included two options that use part of the Crumbles Castle area to provide exciting features for young people. These design options retain elements of the castle building including the tower but allow for part of this area to be used to create something new. We would like to know what you would prefer to see in this space if part of the building is removed. Design option 1 shows Crumble Castle remaining as it is now.

We do not intend making any changes to the Peace Garden in these design options and it will be kept as it is. The options are based on the responses and feedback from an initial consultation exercise that took place in January 2019 and stakeholder design workshops held in February this year.

What are the proposals?

You can see the masterplan or all of the proposals in one document or individually:

Design option 1

Design option 2

Design option 3

How the Crumbles Castle area could look as a:

skate park in design option 2

play area in design option 3

Find out more at our online Bingfield Park presentations

Please RSVP and come along to one of our online presentations to find out more:

6pm - 7pm, Tuesday, 23 March 2021 presentation

6pm - 7pm, Monday, 12 April 2021 presentation

6pm - 7pm, Tuesday, 20 April 2021 presentation

Questions and Answers

Our questions and answers sheet has the answers to some of the questions you may have:

Questions and Answers

Let us know what you think 

Please let us know what you think of our proposals by filling in our survey.


If you have any questions about this project please email

What next?

When we have completed the consultation and heard from the community on the preferred option and what people think we will consider the feedback, update the design and make this feedback available.

We will refine the Masterplan design and carry out further design workshops on key features within the design before finalising the final design. We aim to submit the plans to LBI planning later this year and hope to start works in 2022.

Was this information helpful?

Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.