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Bingfield Park Improvements Consultation

This consultation has ended

Start date 09 February 2022
End date 11 March 2022

Rebuilding a fairer Islington after the Covid-19 pandemic by tackling the climate emergency and investing in more green projects is at the heart of Islington Council’s investment plans.

To create a cleaner, greener, healthier and more equal future, we’re spending £6.9 million to improve our parks by installing new facilities and features for the whole community to use. Around £755k has been secured in funding and includes S106, mainstream capital and We Are Cally contributions.

‘We are Cally’ is an exciting project aimed at creating new opportunities, improving local facilities and unlocking the potential in the Cally. To achieve this we’re working on a number of projects that will help us deliver our ambitions and give the Cally a fairer future including improving the Jean Stokes Community Centre, creating a youth employment hub at West Library and making major improvements to Bingfield Park.

Improving Bingfield Park

At the beginning of 2021 we consulted with local residents on planned improvement works at Bingfield Park. There was overwhelming support
for the improvements proposed and now we want to agree the detail of the sports facilities for the park.

We want to know what residents think of the two design options in this leaflet. We want the park to be used by as many local people as possible and meet the needs of different users. Please give feedback on these designs and let us know what you think.

We will be holding in person presentations of the design options which will offer you an opportunity to ask questions and put forward suggestions:

The workshops will be held in the North East corner of Bingfield Park, near the existing ball court:

  • Thursday 3 March, 3pm - 6pm
  • Saturday 5 March, 11am - 2pm

Masterplan principles

Outcomes from the March 2021 Consultation

The outcome from the March 2021 consultation showed residents were supportive of the general layout of the park which we have followed
through into these design options. Improved entrances, increased biodiversity and east to west walking and cycling routes were all well received and will be included in the masterplan.

We also asked for feedback on integrating the Crumbles Castle area into the park. By keeping the tower and using the remaining castle structure for other things and surrounding area into a skate park, we want to provide opportunities for adventure for a new generation of young people and maintain the history of Crumbles Castle.

As shown in the feedback, 50% of responses favoured a reimagining of Crumbles Castle into a Skate Park. This is reflected in the design options in this consultation which show that we will keep the Crumbles Castle tower and create a new skate park.

New play equipment for younger children has also been included in both design options in a location which was favoured by 50% of responses in the March 2021 consultation.

Results of public Consultation in Spring 2021

Focus of this consultation

The inclusion of a 3G pitch in the masterplan designs responds to the Football Foundation Local Football Facility Plan’ for Islington (May 2019). Bingfield Park was identified as a potential location for a 5 a side 3G football turf pitch, to address the borough wide shortfall in pitch facilities.

The Council received a number of responses expressing concern about the potential impact a 3G football turf pitch may have on the existing park in relation to fencing, floodlighting and single use of the court.

In responding positively to the feedback the Council are now consulting on two further masterplan options, which respond to the 2021 consultation as follows:

  1. Consult on two masterplan options including a 3G pitch option, and a refurbished and improved tarmac multi-use court option.
  2. An under 7s play area to be located to the north of the park adjacent to Freeling Street
  3. Crumbles Castle area to be merged into the park, with partial demolition of the building to create a new skate park.
  4. Entrance improvements
  5. More bio-diverse plantings
  6. Additional basketball facilities on the existing green space in the centre of the park have been removed from the new plans.
  7. Both pitch options keep and re-use of existing concrete walls of the current sports court and creation of rain gardens next to the new sports pitches.

In the meantime we have been talking with Young People on the form of the play area and skate park. This engagement will continue alongside this consultation to inform the masterplan and give young people a voice in the design of their park.

We will not be making any changes to the Peace Garden in these design options and it will be kept as it is. The options are based on the responses and feedback from the consultation exercise that took place in March 2021.

The Existing Plan

Masterplan A

Masterplan B

Please give us your feedback

We want the park to be used by as many local people as possible and to meet the needs of different users. Therefore, the Council would like your feedback on the two options presented in this leaflet before 11 March 2022.

We are holding two workshops in the north-east corner of Bingfield Park where you can ask us questions on:

  • Thursday, 3 March, 3pm - 6pm
  • Saturday, 5 March, 11am - 2pm


If you have any questions about this project please email

Next Step

Following the consultation we will analyse the feedback to help develop a preferred masterplan layout for the park.

Throughout April and May we will develop the design so that a planning application can be submitted for the proposed works. This will offer another opportunity for local residents to review the proposals and give their feedback.

We will continue to provide updates with local residents throughout this period, with particular focus on the proposals for Crumbles Castle.

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