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Apply for a secondary school place

If your child is due to start secondary school, you must apply online

How to apply

Before you start, you'll need:

An email address

If you need help setting up email or using the web, we offer free guidance and training in using your computer and getting online.

Proof of your address

You need to provide one of the following:

  • Your council tax reference number (you can find this on your council tax bill).
  • A copy of your most recent rent, mortgage statement or tenancy agreement. It must have been issued in the last 12 months. Please hide/cover any financial information before providing these documents.
  • Two documents which show your address, e.g. a utility bill, bank statement, or a letter from your GP, hospital, dentist or optician. These must have been issued in the last 12 months. (Please cover/hide any financial information before providing a utility bill or bank statement).

Proof that your child lives with you

You also need to provide one of the following: 

  • A copy of your most recent child benefit or family tax credit letter issued in the last 12 months, as long as it shows your child’s name and address. Please hide/cover any financial information before providing these documents.
  • Two documents from the following:
    • A letter issued in the last 12 months from your child’s GP, dentist, hospital or optician. 
    • The page in your child’s health record book that has their name and address.
    • Junior Individual Savings Account (ISA) letter. Please hide/cover any financial information before providing this document.

Documents can be uploaded with your online admissions application.

Don’t delay your application, even if you don’t have all the proofs of address that we need – we’ll contact you later with advice on what to do.

How to apply

Apply online

You need to register first. You’ll then be sent an email giving details of how to start your application. You can do your application in stages. You can change the order of schools listed, and other information as many times as you want before you submit the application.

Once you’re happy with your application, make sure you press ‘Submit’.

The online system checks for errors or missing information.

A reference number is sent to your registered email confirming safe receipt of your application. Please make a note of your username and Application Reference Number as you’ll need them to access your application.

You can reset your password at any time from the login page.

As well as the main online admissions application, you may need to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) for some schools. This information is included in each school's listing in our brochure. The SIF must be sent directly to the school. You must still complete the online e-Admissions application. 

The address you give must be your child’s current permanent address (the place where they spend most of their time Monday to Friday) on 31 October 2024. If parents live separately, but the child lives equally with both, then it is the parents’ responsibility to make this clear at the time of the application and to provide supporting evidence in respect of both addresses, for example, a Residency Order from a court. Please note that only one address can be used for school admission purposes and the final decision will rest with the Islington School Admissions team.

Help filling in your online application

Phone 020 7527 5515 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday for advice.

Help with technical problems only

Online school applications terms and conditions

When you submit your online application for a school place, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

  • you have read the relevant information and guidance outlined in Islington’s secondary brochure
  • you understand that you must supply the required evidence to verify that all of the information given is correct. You also understand that if you fail to provide this evidence, your application may not be processed
  • you understand that you must advise the School Admissions team as soon as you are aware of any changes in your family circumstances that may affect the processing or outcome of this application
  • you wish to apply for the schools listed on your online application, which you have listed in order of preference
  • you certify that you are the person(s) with parental responsibility for the child named in the application and that the information given is true to the best of your knowledge and belief.
  • you also understand that any false or deliberately misleading information given on this application and/or supporting papers, or any relevant information withheld, may render this application invalid and could lead to the withdrawal of an offer of a school place
  • if you are requesting priority under the exceptional social grounds/medical criterion, you must provide professional evidence (e.g. a letter from your doctor, educational psychologist) and complete our social medical application explaining why this is the only school that can meet your child’s needs
  • if you are requesting priority, where an older sibling already attends the school, the sibling's name and date of birth must be supplied in the relevant section of the form. For this priority, a sibling includes a full, half, step or adopted brother or sister who lives at the same address and will be on roll of the preferred school at the time of the proposed admission in the new academic year
  • you understand that if you have applied for any schools which require a Supplementary Information Form you must complete and return the form directly to the school.
  • this is the only application that you have completed for a school place

Privacy notice

Find out how we process personal data about you or your child.

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Data protection: We will handle your personal information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and in accordance with the council’s Fair Processing Notice.