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Standard licence conditions for sexual entertainment venues

Licensed sex entertainment venues in Islington are expected to adhere to the conditions outlined below.


  • entertainment will be given only by the performers engaged by or through the licensee and there will be no audience participation. 
  • the licensee shall keep a record of each performer, including their proper name and any aliases, and their residential address. With each record the licensee shall keep a copy of a photographic form of identity and proof of address of the performer. 
  • on days when sexual entertainment is provided, the licensee, or their representative, shall keep a record of those performers working at the premises on that day in a daily record. The daily record shall be immediately available for inspection by authorised officers. 
  • the licensee shall ensure that each performer signs the code of conduct in their proper name, acknowledging that they have read and understood and are prepared to abide by the code of conduct, and signed copies be kept on the premises for inspection by authorised officers. 
  • during a performance there shall be no full bodied physical contact between the customer and the dancer other than the transfer of money or token at the beginning, during and conclusion of the dance.
  • during a performance there shall be no full bodied physical contact between dancers and they are not to touch each others' breasts and or genitalia. 
  • performers must remain fully dressed while on the premises, except while performing in areas approved by us for sexual entertainment and in the approved changing rooms. 
  • performers must re-dress at the conclusion of the performance.
  • performers must never be in the company of a customer except in an area open to the public (excluding the toilets) within the premises. 
  • the licensee is to implement a policy for the safety of the performers when they leave the premises. 
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