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Sex establishment policy

This policy sets out our proposed approach to regulating sex establishments and the procedure that we will adopt in relation to applications for sex establishment licences.


Where appropriate we expect applicants to demonstrate that they are qualified by experience, have an understanding of general conditions and propose a management structure which will deliver compliance with operating conditions for example through: 

  • management competence
  • presence 
  • credible management structure 
  • enforcement of rules internally – training & monitoring 
  • a viable business plan  covering door staff, CCTV 
  • policies for welfare of performers.

Applicants must also demonstrate that they can be relied upon to act in best interests of performers through remuneration, facilities, protection, physical and psychological welfare, have a  transparent charging  scheme with freedom from solicitation, have a track record of management-compliant premises or employ individuals with such a track record.

New applicants may be invited for an interview by the licensing officer and/or a police officer prior to the application being referred to the licensing committee for determination.

Applications from anyone who intends to manage the premises on behalf of a third party will be refused.

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